Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In order to ensure that pupils who have come to enjoy the advantages of the unit do not deliberately fail on a return to school , Owen refuses to readmit them once reintroduction has taken place .
2 So do n't throw them away colleagues , hand them to any delegate from the Northern Region .
3 Arthur was just kept bringing me up food all the time .
4 Erm actually I 've spoken to Ian at erm Newark TEC , and he 's already arranged to see me tomorrow afternoon .
5 When Ivy went to see her she said oh Mrs Mr came to see me yesterday afternoon he brought another gentleman with him , a nice gentleman so I she said I think they were taking the census , they got me to sign a paper .
6 ‘ The Professor came to see me yesterday evening , and told me all of it .
7 At Play In The Fields Of The Lord ( 15 ) Hector Babenco 's lengthy ( over three hours ) but stunningly-wrought ecological tragedy , shot entirely on location in Amazonia , centres on a group of missionaries and a Cheyenne half-breed who set out in different ways to ‘ save ’ a tribe of rain-forest Indians but bring them only death , disease and destruction .
8 Wives do n't count , you say they look pretty and bring them home bunches of flowers but you do n't take them seriously , their tiny minds are n't capable of grasping anything important .
9 Now they bring them out ready-cooked .
10 Most patients reacted to injections of a number of substances and he made them up custom made ‘ vaccines ’ of supposed antidotes .
11 This enforced poverty made them easier targets for propaganda : if they left with no more than their allowance , they could be portrayed as shabby Untermenschen scuttling away like rats ; if they managed to outwit the system , then they were economic criminals fleeing with stolen goods .
12 Unfortunately their crude tactics , due to a very low educational level , made them better counter-agents than agents for the Bolsheviks .
13 You know and and it actually sort of , it made them really sort of think about quality and excellence and su and stuff like that which
14 Oh yeah I tell you what , cartoons are absolute , they crack me up cinema ?
15 The week-long shower drives me up ladders
16 When he 'd parted them both fish and frog began animatedly to flap around .
17 erm what else did they make them out metals , glass , reinforced concrete
18 Come on open a bit wider so I can do those , that 's better , do n't want them back ones to go bad .
19 On another occasion one child asked me why owls flew .
20 ‘ Sir Alfred was at Goodwood that day , ’ says Rudd , ‘ and asked me why de Graffenreid was blowing us off .
21 One day while out visiting with Father John a man asked me how things were in my country .
22 Increasingly , he found himself estranged from Laura , who , in the subsequent eleven years , ‘ never once asked me how things were going .
23 Oh yeah , we stuffed them twice heheheheh .
24 I pick them up Sunday .
25 No , imbécile , pick them up piece by piece .
26 It does nothing useful , despite what you may think about screen saving , but it 's given me more entertainment watching it than any amount of television soaps — Johnny even celebrates major holidays at the right time ( assuming your PC 's clock is set correctly , of course ) .
27 Asked how personal development had been affected , responses reveal improvements in self-confidence , social skills and aspirations : ‘ it has given me extra confidence to speak at meetings , e.g. community council , community association meetings ’ ; ‘ it has brought out skills I never new I had ’ ; ‘ I have learned to work closer with people since I joined , which is a new experience for me , and become more tolerant of people 's attitudes and ways ’ ; ‘ I am more aware of my own attitude towards my group ’ ; ‘ it has given me more confidence in my own ability to learn new skills ’ ; ‘ made me do things that I thought I was not capable of doing ’ .
28 You know if you make me late Emma , I 'm gon na smack your bottom !
29 The only thing that er the only two characters that really wind me up Mrs Mangle from Neighbours
30 He asked them why elephants did n't ride bicycles and explained that it was because they had n't any thumbs to ring the bell with .
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