Example sentences of "[verb] [noun prp] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In 1896 the CMS requested Taylor to continue his translation work in Swahili in Cairo , not Mombasa .
2 They should have played a more open game and allowed us to see Bangor scoring lots of goals .
3 He was on the edge of weeping , but did not want Murray to realise it .
4 The mestizo looked up to see Trent watching him .
5 As I left I asked Marcus to remove his dark glasses so I could look at his face .
6 She would tell her twin about Berenice 's baby , and if she knew her sister , she would make Garry see he must return to his wife .
7 Having achieved narrow wins in the Minnesota and Idaho caucuses Harkin stated his determination to continue the fight at least until the Illinois and Michigan primaries , on March 17 , when he hoped that his trade union support would assist him .
8 First he asked Germaine to play something by Ravel for him , presumably to glean an impression of her personality .
9 Simultaneously he increasingly involved himself in the literary life of London , a change in the balance of his career which began when he made the acquaintance of the poet , Alfred ( later first Baron ) Tennyson [ q.v. ] , who in 1867 commissioned Knowles to design his house in Aldworth , Sussex .
10 ‘ We are not suggesting Swindon did anything deliberate , but the fact is that they are now in the Premier League . ’
11 Before the war , he had been one of the most prominent members of the Dock workers ' Guild , acting as principal deputy to their father , the Chairman , but after he was disabled and discharged from the army , he was forced to take other work , helping Florrie to run their Aunt Emily 's corner grocery shop .
12 She had hoped her life might be completely happy and perfect , and expected Vronsky to sacrifice his whole life to love her entirely .
13 Not out of Steve , anyway , who was saying nothing much , only affirming that he had bashed Charley to save his mother ; he had ‘ guessed ’ where she was .
14 She had heard Ben tell her it was about time , too , but almost too late ; that was when she had stopped pushing the hand-cart and bought Laddie and the flat-cart .
15 They were having trouble with the close-up , until DiCillo finally asked Brad to give him ‘ a deer caught in a car 's headlights ’ .
16 I do n't think Lucker loves anyone but himself .
17 Sums over histories also played an important psychological role in the development of physics since they led Feynman to propose his diagrammatic ideas about which I spoke so warmly at the start of this chapter .
18 International and Irish , however , has now stopped MacDonald using their offices as his London base .
19 Peter was a pianist , had a job as a pianist , and always seemed to have money , which made Cecilia see him as a potentially good husband .
20 She hardly ever read it herself now , preferring Alexandra to read it to her , but some mornings , when she felt stronger , she would be propped up on extra pillows and given the paper and her glass .
21 On ministerial appointments for instance , while he made MacDonald change his intentions in a number of cases , he did not do so without occasional complaint front the Prime Minister , and continuing give and take between the two leaders .
22 From the Chief Constable … to the bobby on the beat … the men and women responsible for policing Swindon fear their jobs are about to change out of all recognition .
23 How else do you think Al-Makesh knew we were from UNACO ?
24 Katalco business manager , said ‘ Hydecat is a major step forward in the treatment of wastes and demonstrates how catalyst technology is helping ICI improve its environmental performance . ’
25 While their romance cooled-off , Charles still asked Sarah to attend his 30th birthday party at Buckingham Palace in November 1978 .
26 The liverpool supporters , although a tadge irritated by all these cheering Yorkshiremen took it very well and gave as good as they got when they equalised .
27 ‘ They might have helped out with the work , but Robert has done much more — lent you his nurse for that pyometra and lent Ian to do my farm work — and he 's worked doubly hard himself .
28 But he spared a glance for the very pretty girl in the daring clothes , and was surprised to see Britta covering her mouth to stifle a giggle .
29 You know there was a brother of the Order who so contrived her departure and asked Aldhelm to help him .
30 Or do you really think Georgina did it ? ’
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