Example sentences of "[verb] [noun prp] [be] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Maybe what upset Dustin was that he knew that , although he was the better actor , Steve 's performance in Papillon was superior , ’ commented Norman Jewison , who had directed McQueen in The Cincinnati Kid and The Thomas Crown Affair , but who never worked with Dustin .
2 Nurse Harvey 's after a feed soothes away wind and tummy upsets and relieves pain during teething .
3 Former England captain Illingworth snapped : ‘ The real reason for signing Richardson is because Yorkshire TV are paying his wages .
4 I knew that some of his friends were into drugs , but I did n't know Ryan was until he collapsed on me one day .
5 With The Big Parade Vidor won new friends for American films but what had impressed MGM was that the film made money and also pointed to the way in which romance would be coupled with broader themes ; there was obviously no harm in indulging Vidor a little .
6 In short , one way of understanding Burgess is that he is describing the moral careers of immigrants ; some successfully adapting and eventually living in what they and respectable Chicago society saw as the ‘ front regions ’ of the desirable suburbs .
7 What results from this is that we might be led to think that the problem with defining God is that there is a whole range of ideas about the divine being that tend to produce no very clear overall picture .
8 The difficulty with defining God is that the theist is perfectly entitled to claim that ‘ God ’ refers to something that can not be known in the way that other things are known .
9 One thing I did learn from loving Paul was that I was n't in love with David .
10 Can I just say at this point that erm John will happ had a word with the landlady and the landlord of the Reindeer , with regards to this application , and what the landlady told John was that she and her husband would dearly like to do away with the breeze block garage that is there , that is totally out of character , and extend the car park way back to the garages , but the brewery are insisting that they do what is planned here and do away with some of the
11 And what you 're suggesting Harold is that er he 's going back now to er er the erm er the idea of the , I 'd suggest that o w w what would have been the alternative was erm international exploitation .
12 What Myeloski had not told Duncan was that the Cathedral of the Assumption was where the coronation of Russia 's rulers had traditionally taken place , that the last of these great ceremonies was in 1896 , when Nicholas was crowned as tsar and became Russia 's last Romanov emperor .
13 What troubled Bumer was that Hollywood was ‘ not seeking to establish any definite set of values ’ .
14 Also , from the minimal information on CEEFAX I suspect Wilko is as pissed off as the rest of us about it .
15 It has been suggested that the real reason Judas betrayed Jesus was that he wanted him to be a popular Messiah who would drive out the Romans .
16 Erm I like Marion 's because of the the colours in it but I did n't I did n't really like Fiona 's because I did n't think it was vivid enough .
17 One of the most revealing facts about using BM is that you often discover that inadvertently you are either rewarding undesirable behaviour and hence encouraging it , or are mistakenly punishing good behaviour .
18 In the heady fire of consummation Gina knew that the aching loneliness which had dogged her throughout her life was finally ended , her own desire rising to match Rune 's as their mutual need drowned them in the remorselessly rising tide of satisfaction .
19 What puzzled Jaq was that the Genestealer rebellion , now so bloodily suppressed , was a natural threat .
20 What puzzled Jack was that he himself was very happy at Bradley Fold West and he had settled into the routine and managed the duties without any problems .
21 The most important lesson I learned , in retrospect , from the failure of Lord Leverhulme 's attempt to industrialise Lewis was that the conflict between crofting and industry which he saw , and the government saw , and which wrecked his plans , did not exist .
22 HALL : ‘ No , what I 'm saying Tommy is that Graeme has subsequently apologised , he 's made apologies .
23 And I 'll tell you something else : what really frightened Roxie was that the kid might cooperate with Uncle Bow . ’
24 What Myeloski did n't tell Duncan was that things were slowly beginning to take shape in his mind .
25 cos I would always thought Marks were that it was one day
26 He said : ‘ The reason KimberlyClark chose Humberside is because they got a higher level of grant aid .
27 As well as the pun , I 'm sure the reason Malcolm chose QT was that it was the postal code around where Steve — who was still the singer at this point — was staying .
28 Another reason why I chose London is because I know many of my countrymen have visited and have fond memories of their experience .
29 Another reason why I chose London is because I know many of my countrymen have visited and have fond memories of their experience .
30 ‘ One of the reasons I chose London was that it 's a fast course and it would more special to break a record in front of a home crowd , ’ she said .
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