Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] if a " in BNC.

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1 The reward is given only if a desirable behaviour occurs and the punisher is given only if undesirable behaviour occurs .
2 But the benefit is realised only if a spending tax replaces other existing taxes and the tax burden as a whole is either unchanged or reduced .
3 Nevertheless , the bipartite system remained in place and would be fundamentally modified only if a powerful political will to do so could be mobilized .
4 Likewise , if past convention has made a particular layout familiar ( such as time increasing downwards or from left to right ) , a change should be considered only if a clear advantage is to be gained .
5 The full benefits of price stability and statutory independence for the European central bank , and indeed for the Bank of England — that must be a necessary institutional corollary — will be enjoyed only if a future Government and Parliament agree in good time to adopt a single European currency .
6 The government subsequently announced to the press that ‘ a research visit to Sri Lanka would be considered favourably if a formal request were made ’ by AI .
7 The government subsequently announced that ‘ a research visit to Sri Lanka would be considered favourably if a formal request were made ’ .
8 The figure for unauthorised absence may fall again if a satisfactory explanation 's forthcoming .
9 In one text Paul appears to be of the same view ; but in another Papinian takes the opposite line , on the basis that the testator had in mind not that payment should be made only if a condition of surviving to a certain age was met , but that payment should be deferred to that point in time .
10 WE have to match that level of performance and we wo n't do so if a player is playing 40 games a season of which half a dozen are representative .
11 Policy E Ten requires that the boundary be moved only if a need for expansion can be established .
12 What happens now if a similar situation arises later in the season with an object thrown say in the semi-final ? ’
13 By itself this is not microteaching but the same principles can be applied even if a full programme is not being followed .
14 The council says the 1987 lease states a pharmacy could only be built there if a doctor 's surgery was on the site as well .
15 Such estimates can be made readily if a basin simulation model is used .
16 ( ii ) Expose the body wall by grasping the skin of the abdomen immediately above and below the midline with fingers and thumb and pulling simultaneously towards the head and feet ( this procedure can be made easier if a small midline knick is first made in the skin with a pair of scissors ) .
17 The job of installing a new inspection chamber may be made easier if a pre-cast concrete inspection chamber or one of the modern glass reinforced plastic inspection chambers is used .
18 Fessey ( 1988 ) maintains that assertiveness techniques should be used only if a need requires expression or a right is about to be denied .
19 It also ensures that only one instance ( primary and secondary ) of an offlined module exists ie. if an offlined module is returned to online storage , the offline instance is maintained , so that when the module is subsequently offlined again , Offline will simply delete it from online storage knowing that the offline copies still exist .
20 separating quickly if a prefect
21 The Governor counters this argument saying we must look ahead if a new-style prison system is to work .
22 The Governor counters this argument saying we must look ahead if a new-style prison system is to work .
23 ‘ I feel that the proceedings here may escalate seriously if a careful check is not kept on the situation .
24 ‘ I ca n't think straight if a room 's too warm .
25 Of its own motion the court may decide to bring a private prosecution to the attention of the Crown Prosecution Service ; indeed a justices ' clerk is obliged to do so if a private prosecutor withdraws or fails to proceed in circumstances in which the reason given appears unsatisfactory .
26 On the other side , to mollify France , it was agreed that British participation in the revamped body would involve the stationing of British troops in West Germany unless a majority of its partners consented to their withdrawal ; however , Britain reserved the right to do so if an emergency situation elsewhere demanded a redeployment of its military forces .
27 the people , because you know normally if a student comes to see me , I sit down and have an hour and half 's discussion
28 But do n't you think though if a gi if they saw her cry they 'd think oh my God hang on we 'd better stop , this is a bit nasty , they would see I mean whereas
29 Whilst the cost saving in building from a kit is not enormous there is a certain satisfaction to be derived especially if a custom built solution is required .
30 A momentum will be found only if a state of tension is created for the participants to provide a dynamic to the action .
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