Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 On the following day he condemned it as " illegitimate and invalid " and rejected opening formal negotiations , this position being reiterated in a resolution passed overwhelmingly by the Congress on March 15 .
2 Male homosexuality is increasingly regarded as a variation of sexual behaviour rather than a perversion , and although the homosexual male is still treated badly by the law , in comparison to the heterosexual , he no longer feels the urgent need for anonymity and secrecy .
3 In 1986 the following causes were pressed successfully by the Lords : wider consultation rights for workers in relation to reorganization of the naval dockyards ; local authorities to decide whether tenants should have the right to buy old people 's properties ; abolition of caning in schools ; application of health and safety laws to all buildings used by the national health service .
4 While this treatment remains at the experimental stage , may I suggest that the logical position is that prospective patients who have been referred onward by the general practitioner and consultant should be selected — probably by Professor Hitchcock himself — and financed centrally as part of the experimental budget ?
5 In my opinion these financial statements give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Welsh Development Agency and the Group at 31 March 1990 and of the results and the source and application of funds of the Group for the year then ended and have been properly prepared in accordance with the Welsh Development Agency Act 1975 and determinations made thereunder by the Secretary of State with the approval of the Treasury .
6 He was treated pre-operatively by the physiotherapist who taught him deep breathing exercises .
7 But in our present context , it raises the question as to whether the call of the Killer whaler is recognized instinctively by a new-born seal or porpoise or whether it is learnt during adolescence , while in the company of parents .
8 Pausing mid-way he looked down and could notice that between the cracks of the wood and the holes of the ferrous nails , lay the stream , flowing as a solid conjecture , broken rarely by the spinning vortex of wheeling , eddy and ripple .
9 In his Beverly Hills suit and hand-painted 1950s tie , Kaufman looked like a divorce lawyer in ‘ LA Law ’ ; his presence at the Tory Party 's autumn festival could be explained only by the need to earn a crust ; he had been invited by the BBC , no doubt , to comment on the proceedings .
10 By the eighteenth century salutes were normally given merely by the firing of guns , not by the more humiliating lowering of the flag or striking of sails .
11 Yachts wishing to use the canal are limited only by a maximum mast height of 80ft ( 24.5m ) .
12 Normal free-sparring in the training hall is limited only by the number of people there , so you can pick up bad competition habits through using space uneconomically .
13 Most people use their own bodyweight as a stretching aid , with the number of different ways to stretch being limited only by the imagination .
14 Officials describe the exodus as ‘ quota-driven ’ , meaning that numbers are limited only by the number of places made available in resettlement countries .
15 The survey — ‘ mapping the universe ’ — which Geller and Huchra began a few years ago is not yet complete but they have seen enough to conclude that ‘ the size of the largest structures we detect is limited only by the extent of the survey ’ .
16 The practical accuracy of this result , which is central to the determination of the fine structure , constant , is believed to be limited only by the residual dissipative current due to hopping through localised states .
17 Since the Crown Court is a superior court , its power to punish is limited only by the maximum penalty set for the offence by an Act of Parliament .
18 Note that , if the key that has been requested is not present on the file , the unsuccessful search length is potentially limited only by the size of the file .
19 The clinical usefulness of the polymerase chain reaction thus seems to be limited only by the power of our imagination in identifying specific targets .
20 The creative element in such notes is limited only by the imagination of you , the user .
21 By permutations of these various incidents the number of possible classes is limited only by the total number of shares .
22 It does rather sound as though DTP is where you 're heading , and your choices are limited only by the memory in your machine and your budget — in that order .
23 The kinds of worlds that can be created are limited only by the multimedia software designed to generate them and the computer processing power available to bring them to life .
24 An open question invites a ‘ free ’ answer , recorded in full with the detail limited only by the space on the form .
25 He says : ‘ Tinnitus ( Latin for ringing ) is the name given to the subjective ( heard only by the person concerned ) experience of hearing sounds in the ear or head which have no basis of reality in the environment , that is to say , the sound can not be accounted for by vibrations coming from objects external to the patient . ’
26 Now the pathology is by a chief information and i in fact , the chief information could be provoked merely by the presence of organisms .
27 After being tipped in The Observer as the next Labour leader ( Gadfly , Feb 19 ) he is now favoured apparently by the Prime Minister himself .
28 San Vincenzo is a lovely resort of clear soft sands interrupted only by a few emerging reefs .
29 It was very quiet that evening , the steady rhythm of the ship 's engines interrupted only by the occasional guttural cry *om the deck above .
30 Having just secured world rights for her first book , she 's leading a life of food and snooze ; interrupted only by the occasional television interview .
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