Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] now [conj] " in BNC.

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1 How many people think this project ought to be stopped right now before it goes any further ? ’
2 Choppy Spencer is are you prepared to accept the conclusion that some people might be suggesting right now that this whole stunt of opting out is a political fumble ?
3 She ate quickly , partly because she was so used to eating alone now that it seemed more a practicality than a pleasure , and partly so that the servants might have their own dinner at leisure in the kitchen .
4 Did you enjoy your holiday with the family she asked gently , knowing that Art lived alone now and welcomed the invitations from his eldest son Toby and his wife Lynn .
5 It matters little now that Sunderland finished the season 18th in the Second Division .
6 We were walking downhill now and reached the shingle to head north for the Cock of Arran .
7 He worked without an easel and with the minimum of fuss , placing his canvas on a chair and painting quietly , ‘ interrupting only now and then to take a gulp of alcohol from a bottle .
8 But , that 's what he wants just now but if he can get the flight then it , it could end up being the second and third or the third and fourth week .
9 , I just want you to know that I shall never change , but I also want you to allow me to come home now and again for a few days .
10 With it came a sudden clarity of atmosphere , so that the trees and haystacks stood out in high relief , and the distant hills seemed to come nearer now that their outline was sharply etched on the horizon .
11 Already more than 100 management agreements are under discussion and the number is expected to increase dramatically now that the guidelines are in force .
12 ‘ You can , ’ came the reply , ‘ there 's a spiral staircase inside , I gather , but the gamekeeper lives there now and I do n't particularly want to meet him . ’
13 And one of the things that I 'm not sure we have addressed adequately now and perhaps wo n't this evening is how to get people into the theatre and I really thing that it would be worthwhile trying to find out stops people coming in .
14 I realised just now that you had to be the one to finish it . ’
15 One is Andrew goes away now and readjusts these figures , t to put the graduates , some of the graduates into the fee earning er column .
16 I could do with forty winks right now and Otley would never miss me .
17 ‘ You and Maria Luisa are living together now and it suggests you were involved before . ’
18 I feel it should do so now and not keep us waiting .
19 But Shrewsbury are after more , they 're looking to set away now and that one has been pushed away by Colin .
20 He 's bouncing away now and shouting
21 Well , perhaps one could believe that , but not- ’ Her voice dropped further now and her head came towards Peggy , saying , ‘ Not that you never bathed her , never had bathed her , and that she got in the bath with her father every night .
22 Is he prepared to state clearly now that he will introduce legislation to ensure that the sort of scandal that occurred , which robbed the workers of the Maxwell and Mirror corporations , will not occur again and those workers and others like them will be protected in future ?
23 He came here now when he was obliged to come , and that would be rarely .
24 There was , of course , no smoke there now and very little traces of oil .
25 She had other daughters in the town but she always wanted me and if ever she wanted anything to do with her papers and books and financial things , she used to ask my husband to go in , you see the day after we got there she brought us a huge dish like that with mushrooms which er grew f er well there are houses built there now but er at that time they had a big meadow there sort of a copse er in it with a bunch of trees and you see and all these mushrooms grew , you see , and they were , you know , they 're nice you see .
26 Lady Thomson never came there now and his family had grown up .
27 I do n't want to go home now but I do when there 's peace again
28 ‘ We expect them to go home now and say , ‘ Mamma gim me lamb ’ . ’
29 I want to go home now and think and think about all the things I 've heard this afternoon . ’
30 I used to go home now and again .
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