Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] if i " in BNC.

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1 er and in any , in any event there are a number of things I tend to miss altogether if I want to er keep to timetable which I and I , I 'm sure you 're , all the , the audience or group or whatever you like to call it that will welcome an extension of the talk .
2 The only good thing , the only good thing about La the only good thing about Labour is that they would have brought back student grants so if I ever , if I ever do go to university then I 'll get lots of money .
3 and then you got the rest of it , so you 'll always go more than a hundred and eighty , now when you , when you 're pointing you 're facing that way again , turn around that way again , when you 're facing that way , erm especially if I 'm about erm , say especially if I 'm about here .
4 On orders from the new Earl , my visits to the house were to be permitted only if I agreed to be supervised .
5 I 'll let you know more if I hear owt .
6 I had n't known how to explain what had been happening even if I 'd dared to .
7 ‘ I 'd never have come here if I 'd known … ’
8 I 'm not going to do what he wants even if I do fancy you .
9 Young Seb is on his way — and I 'll have to work hard if I 'm to keep up with him . ’
10 I also have a flat in Belgravia in London , and , when I 'm spending my working week at Silver Star Navigation , I occasionally sleep there if I have a late dinner appointment .
11 I think I could have done better if I had a different attitude , ’ she said .
12 I would have done better if I 'd have had more time .
13 I do n't suppose it would matter much if I fell in anyhow , cos I can nearly swim .
14 ‘ I should n't have said so if I was n't . ’
15 I will take on the caring but I must have a break every six months , ’ or ‘ I can only do so if I can be sure that the incontinence service will be reliable . ’
16 I should like to hear Rebecca 's version , but can only do so if I repair my rudeness and invite them here — ( Like the Queen , we never ask her back ) .
17 And if Oliver wants to see me — which might be a good idea if I can talk some sense into him — then I 'll only do so if I 've cleared it with Stuart first .
18 This is what I was thinking , what would I have , how would I feel now if I did n't have the truth
19 I was never really happy about the explanation but I had no proof of my own misgivings about it and anyway I would n't have known where to start looking even if I 'd been convinced then that she was alive . ’
20 I would n't of thought so I would of sa I would of said well if I bloody ju good enough for living with I bleeding come on a I do n't think she 'd want him on holiday with her anyway and her sister said is she had n't got enough money , she 'd pay for it .
21 I was n't sure I could speak even if I had anything to say .
22 Yeah I know and it 's it 's not my fault I mean like if I still have the proper lessons every week , which I do n't seem to get .
23 No they 're ca n't you see by retaliating , they are getting at you but if they had n't of got to you , you would n't of retaliated Like if I , i i it 's like if I
24 Would you mind terribly if I stayed at home ? ’
25 ‘ Sharon , sweetheart , I hope you wo n't mind terribly if I take the passenger seat ? ’
26 Would you mind terribly if I did this on my own ? ’
27 I suppose while this is for me cos on the sponsorship issue is , would sponsorship have any impact in terms of what I might purchase so if I went to the Scottish Opera or the ballet or to the theatre and I bought a programme which I usually do and one of the things which is interesting about the evening that erm Alan and I spent last time at Scottish Council was that half the people attend Scottish Opera buy a programme and the programmes that I have sponsored always .
28 I decided that things would work better if I upgraded by adding a 1 Meg expanded memory board to give 2 Meg of RAM .
29 I 'd run away if I could , but I 've no money of my own ; they do n't even give me an allowance , but pay all my bills for me .
30 The organisers saw Morse drinking beer all the time on television and thought even if I did n't know anything about the quality of beer I must be a quantity man .
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