Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As they crept slowly forward over the plain his eyes searched for those tiny villages made of mud with their bamboo groves and their ponds ; and though the plain was perfectly flat the villages were somehow hidden in its folds , blending with it .
2 He claims these reptiles make superb pets as they sit incredibly still for hours and then go on the rampage — very much like Pest Control staff !
3 Lord 's connection with his ground ceased rather abruptly in 1825 .
4 With so many commitments it is understandable that he ceased rather early in his career to show his work in public exhibitions , but he still found time to pursue other interests .
5 Again and again he swiped at Chloe , but she remained convinced that this was a game and every time her friend approached she darted away and went to sit somewhere else in the clearing , her tail brushing the ground frantically .
6 The legislation was resented bitterly enough by the Netherlands to lead to a war in which the English Republic was able to assert itself against the Dutch Republic .
7 He could see the Quattro 's tail-lights drawing slowly away from him in stop-start jerky movements .
8 Olsen has therefore concentrated on four periods when the paintings connect most directly with historic events : from 1797 to 1814 when Napoleon 's Empire imposed a kind of unity on the country ; from the restoration of the monarchy until mid century when historic Romanticism came into conflict with Realism and gradually waned as a moving force in Italian art ; the triumph of Realism in parallel with the rapid progress towards unification from 1849 to 1870 ; and the final period from 1870 until the end of the century when Realism evolved under wider European influences into Symbolism and Divisionism .
9 This image presumably registered most strongly among those sections of the population whose exposure to ideological ‘ schooling ’ was greatest — particularly , therefore , among committed members of the Party and its affiliates .
10 It arose most acutely in the United States which welcomed immigrants but also put pressure on them to turn themselves into English-speaking American citizens as soon as possible , since any rational citizen would wish to be an American .
11 In other words , unemployment has fallen most sharply in those areas where it was least severe .
12 Rates have fallen most sharply in the South East , where the going rate now averages £3.80 a week , £1.40 less than last year .
13 Another of UnivEd 's functions is the formation of campus companies through which products and processes discovered by staff can be developed commercially together with industrial partners .
14 Signed to a major label , The Wedding Present sit rather awkwardly on the edge of acceptance into mainstream pop .
15 Ralph sat in the driving seat of his car , inching slowly forward with the snaking traffic jam stretching along the road .
16 She was longing to go somewhere away from all this , among people who did n't know her , quiet and dark where nothing happened .
17 The reduction in costs which this has achieved has enabled the business to perform most satisfactorily in what has been a very difficult year in all its major markets .
18 The lack of a goalkeeper was exposed most harshly at Felton on Saturday .
19 Vowels are recognized most effectively as part of the pattern and rhythm of the whole sentence .
20 There immediately followed the hearing of the present application , argued most ably before us by Mr. Browne on behalf of C.N.L. and by Mr. Stephen Richards for the P.C.A.
21 Something else I 've left hanging rather dangerously in the air is another and rather different hint , and because of the close correspondence of their careers , the milestones along their way , Stephen Daedalus is merely another name for James Joyce , so that the portrait itself would be a blow by blow account of its author 's story so far , with the relevant identities politely concealed under pseudonyms .
22 Help them to stick up for themselves and see that it is not worth being treated badly just in order to have a best friend .
23 ( iii ) The submissive face : made most frequently by foals , and then by yearlings , but only rarely by mature horses .
24 Another misconception made most frequently by pupils in the middle or just below the middle of the complete attainment spectrum , is to regard the " longest " decimal ( or the larger of two equally " long " ones ) as the smallest , that is 0.089 in the item given above .
25 The instrumental rationale for the specialized academic course depends on the distinction between the process and content of a discipline , a distinction made most succinctly by Bruner ( 1968 , p. 72 ) :
26 The case for women to eschew marriage was , of course , made most forcefully by Mary Astell who , unlike Roxana , was not inclined to consider the merits of being a mistress .
27 She left the Tyne yesterday for six days of sea trials and ‘ our worry is that it will not come back to the river but will be completed somewhere else in the UK ’ , he said .
28 I think that black kids are treated rather badly in this school , for example , there are less black kids in the ‘ A ’ band .
29 Many thatched cottages were built on the brow of a hill overlooking the sea ; and a large potato-field , divided into elongated sections , gave ample scope for many Lewis families to prove that union is strength , for they were busily engaged lifting the crop : each family group was complete in itself ; those who had the most children got most quickly over the ground : many hands make light work , and young backs bend easily .
30 Speculation about his death centred most persistently on financial worries .
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