Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 The Type I disease is usually seen in calves grazed intensively during their first grazing season , as the result of larvae ingested 3-4 weeks previously ; in the northern hemisphere this normally occurs from mid-July onwards .
2 In other words , the ideology of limited intervention which the current Conservative administration espouses sits uneasily with its need to respond to the demands of industrial and property production and to those for environmental conservation and local control over land policy .
3 Ribose ring puckers are not well defined at this resolution , and were not specifically restrained during refinement , but deviate little from their original C2'- endo conformation in the initial model .
4 The final " Dawn " sequence then has the effect both of a reprise , closing the musical form , and of an ironic comment on the human tragedy which , when it is taken out of the public arena into the privacy of Grimes 's mind , actually passes out of the consciousness and memory of those who , only a few hours before , have been clamouring loudest for its execution .
5 HCI is an exciting idea in holidays — friendly , informal villages , hotels and apartments in some of the most beautiful sun-drenched locations in the Mediterranean and Canary Islands with virtually everything you could want right on your doorstep .
6 Both travelled widely in their search for new specimen plants and , on their sojourns , amassed an amazing collection of ethnographical curios and shells which they housed at Lambeth in a room known as ‘ The Ark ’ .
7 He was up on the podium , still a bit pale and puffy , but recovering gamely from her suicide .
8 I 'm afraid they do , but because they perceive television as entertainment , it goes right over their heads .
9 She hung on his every word at dinner , and after coffee , when la Principessa excused herself and retired and the little group adjourned to the sitting-room for liquers and brandy , Sofia dropped to a cushion at his feet and gazed worshipfully into his face .
10 His hand toyed mercilessly with her breasts , as if he had the right ; perhaps she had given him the right ; as if he owned her and she existed solely for his capricious use .
11 When a car drives slowly into her taxi , stationary at a traffic-clogged crossroads , it is more than the stupid accident it would be in London , New York or Sydney .
12 Robyn heard his footsteps crossing the hall and she wiped furiously at her damp face with the sleeve of his gown , rushing to the door , pressing her body firmly against it .
13 Lydia found it remarkable that the people who fussed most about their health with particular reference to diet and exercise seemed rather ill , just as those who enthused most warmly about sexual freedom were rather plain .
14 It was claimed that the children lived mostly with their grandmother , Cynthia Dawson , near their home in Tottenham , London .
15 Lust glowed redly in his terrible face , and then faded .
16 Drawing nervously on his cigarette , a uniformed guard said : ‘ What shall I say ?
17 Male peasants in the fields wear their distinctive broad-brimmed straw hats , with their coats hanging loosely over their shoulders .
18 The form begins with the practitioner standing naturally , his feet shoulder-width apart and his arms hanging loosely by his side .
19 As the ground drifted up he saw the barbarian standing stock still , chest heaving , arms hanging loosely by his sides .
20 There was the largest hornets ' nest he had ever seen , hanging right in his path .
21 A final rope was circled loosely around her neck to prevent her raising her head .
22 Though she has every confidence in the Trust , and particularly in John Sales , the Trust 's Chief Gardens Adviser , it is no easy thing to relinquish control of your life 's work — especially when it 's situated right under your nose .
23 Well they they do n't have to sit right up your arse , on your tail .
24 If so if somebody is a bad enough driver to sit right up your arse , three foot away from you then they deserve all they fucking get !
25 But before all the sex trouble got properly into its swing there was all the other trouble brewing between Anwar and Changez .
26 But it is the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall which is benefitting most from her zest and drive .
27 For just an instant she seemed to see right into his eyes , past the protective barrier that he instinctively put up against intruders .
28 Although William Vertue [ q.v. ] was a consultant several times called to Cambridge , the design of the vaults differs widely from his style but agrees perfectly with Wastell 's details at Canterbury .
29 Surely not one more could cram into the sheep quarters , but down they came , and a gangway was placed right on our saloon deck .
30 Their eyes locked together for an instant , and she felt as though he was seeing right into her soul , into bits of her that no one had ever seen before .
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