Example sentences of "[verb] [noun pl] to their " in BNC.

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1 Banks play an important role in providing such tailor made contracts to their customers .
2 Whereas in the past there have been various pressure groups setting themselves up as having a special reason for being heard thanks to their scientific credentials , perhaps the wisest comment on this came from the professor who , while urging scientists to make their voices heard , also urged them not to make any special claims to knowledge or understanding of the issues just because they were scientists .
3 Several jurors dabbed handkerchiefs to their eyes , and tears slid down Mr Lozano 's cheeks .
4 Coach builders to their fingertips , they hand-cut , hand-stitch and hand-fit the hood , too .
5 Money sent home has become an important source of income for the country — especially from those who live in the United States and send remittances to their families in dollars .
6 As a general principle , every so often it 's worth spending a little time relating words to their root , either the immediate derivation ( fanciful — fancy , variety — vary , especially — special ) , or etymologically ( hippopotamus , fee , salary , window ) .
7 About 165 they erected monuments to their martyred apostles , to Peter in a necropolis on the Vatican Hill , to Paul on the road to Ostia , at the traditional sites of their burial .
8 Since the recent introduction of the Children 's Act , the aim has been to work more closely with the natural parents , with a view to returning youngsters to their own homes as quickly as possible .
9 As Wood and Wood comment , ‘ relating ideas to their social context ’ far from ‘ depriving them of their universal meaning ’ in fact ‘ rescues them from the emptiness of ethereal abstractions which have no human meaning at all ’ ( ibid. p. x ) .
10 INTERNATIONAL RESQUE have added dates to their tour at Stoke-On-Trent Freetime on November 7 , Winchester School Of Art 8 , Kidderminster Market Tavern 22 and Oxford Mansfield College 30 .
11 INTERNATIONAL RESQUE have added dates to their tour at Stoke-On-Trent Freetime on November 7 , Winchester School Of Art 8 , Kidderminster Market Tavern 22 and Oxford Mansfield College 30 .
12 None of the major builders of production yachts would consider participating in the Salon Nautique without being able to attract customers to their stand with a new model : Gilbert Marine , builders of Gib'Sea Yachts , are no exception .
13 Most larger agencies now use one or other of several available computer systems to aid the whole planning and scheduling process , to print out orders , and to pass details to their traffic controllers .
14 These seemed happy enough — burly , red-faced peasants who doffed their caps and shouted salutations to their Lord of the Manor , genuinely pleased to greet his return .
15 Select reference books and other information materials , eg in classroom collections or the school library or held on a computer , and use organisational devices , eg chapter titles , subheadings , typeface , symbol keys , to find answers to their own questions .
16 It is in the area of personal search that pupils are helped to find answers to their questions about themselves , about the world and about God in the light of Christian revelation , enabling them to develop a Christian view of life in the world and a faith which is personal , reflective , knowledgeable and freely adhered to .
17 Prior to that date , however , some of the greater landowners , as lords of regality , maintained private courts which gave them opportunities to attract lawyer-freeholders to their service and hence to their political interest .
18 There are , indeed , Christians of certain sects who would have nothing to do even with other Christians , who do not , for example , allow their children to bring their school friends home , to accept invitations to their parties , or to receive presents from them , even when those friends claim to come from committed Christian homes .
19 France 's last remaining colony of bears , in the Pyrenees National Park , are under renewed threat from road building schemes [ see ED no. 44 for farmers ' fears that the bears posed threats to their livestock ] .
20 Such councils should be able to provide services to their communities that are more cost effective and efficient than they are now .
21 BEFORE language students at Exeter University send letters to their European pen-pals by electronic mail , they can get help with their grammatical errors from an expert system .
22 For instance , the Pacific islanders use them to decorate the prows of their canoes and Malaysian fishermen attach cowries to their nets .
23 Parents or relatives often make donations to their old public school or college as some repayment for what it has done for them , or in the hope that it may give their child a better chance of entry !
24 Telephone calls to their home have been diverted to the Stockton Conservative Association office in Russell Street , but no one was answering yesterday .
25 Students actively participated in these discussions , but also sought solutions to their own personal problems arising from their socio-economic position .
26 As a result , they spend much of their time sitting down in the thick layer of muck which can inflict burns to their hocks and breasts , and they may also develop ulcerated feet .
27 Marriage partners will feel obligations to their wider kin which may even transcend those they feel towards each other .
28 Meanwhile general practitioners , facing increased demands , have voted to explore alternatives to their current responsibility for 24 hour cover .
29 If , at Z Press , the editors at Layer 111 find and develop manuscripts into books with market potential , it is their general editor at Layer IV who fits those books into the press 's overall list , who thinks ahead to their position on next year 's list and later allocates resources to their production and marketing , and who makes projections about the publishing and book-buying trends of the next two to five years .
30 Ellin says that he could tell even as a sixteen-year-old that " here was a writer who reduced stories to their absolute essence " and , he adds , the ending of each de Maupassant story is , when you think about it , " as inevitable as doom " .
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