Example sentences of "[verb] [noun pl] that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Sadler began by reminding readers that throughout the nineteenth century the ‘ authority of the state ’ had gradually made itself felt in relation to education , resulting in the 1870 Act .
2 But Friends of the Earth has claims that in practice , is still allows sensitive information to be withheld .
3 The more securely you can establish a base of reality before your comic events start their upwards spiral , the more willing will your readers be to accept happenings that on the face of them are unlikely and ridiculous .
4 To say the Pacific is criss-crossed is , perhaps , too strong — the Atlantic has a number of routes that cross each other , and its Jepperson high-altitude charts are so filled with intersecting lines that to an untutored eye , they resemble the early stages of weaving .
5 When he brusquely told visitors that of course China was going to station units of the People 's Liberation Army in Hong Kong after 1997 , the colony shuddered .
6 Tony Noble , chief planning officer , told members that from the inspector 's earlier decision it was clear there would be no objection to a revised application .
7 You might imagine supporting them , talking with them when they needed to talk , trying to help , but you did n't imagine that you would be the one desperate to talk ( or the one too embarrassed to talk , too ashamed or too proud to talk ) ; you did n't imagine you would be the one who needed help , not even when you told friends that of course there might be problems , or agreed with your beloved that you would always talk about things …
8 Paterson told police that on the night of the fire he and Bailey had gone to investigate the broken window incase there were intruders in the hangar .
9 Mr and Mrs Robinson , who own the house but have divided it into single bed-sits for Social Security tenants , told police that at first they thought their son had been a victim of cot death syndrome , but a post mortem examination revealed the murder and assault .
10 Mr Wang , 23 , looking relaxed but pale , told reporters that despite his three-and-a-half years in prison he still believed in the principles of democracy .
11 On May 11 Demirel told reporters that in the period Jan. 1-May 10 , 1992 , a total of 272 " terrorists " had been killed , 39 injured and almost 4,000 captured .
12 Opening the case for the prosecution , the Council 's lawyer , Mr Neil Calver told magistrates that by trading on that day , B & Q had contravened the Shops Act .
13 He faced accusations that in 1984-85 , while he was Prime Minister , he was responsible for failing to stop the use in blood transfusions of blood which carried the HIV virus .
14 The Public Utilities Holding Companies Act was also seen as an attack on big business ; this gave powers to the Securities Exchange Commission to dissolve the giant holding companies that between them controlled over 90% of the nation 's electric power output .
15 A modest start has been made to recruit young , able staff , but further progress will depend on adequate resources being available to fill posts that for financial reasons are currently left unfilled .
16 Party officials may perform functions that in non-communist regimes would be reserved for public servants .
17 His body was tense , as was hers , yet they did n't move , only their mouths touched and they exchanged soft , drugging kisses that to Hilary generated the most exciting sensations she had ever experienced .
18 And knitting needles that to my little fingers were like rolling pins you know and they were long and they got under my arms and I always used to have a tummy ache on knitting day cos I did n't want to go to school .
19 I thought this was quite a plus actually , because we were able to get away with murder during the beginning , in some ways doing things that on paper looked very expensive but in reality balanced out over the year we were scheduled . ’
20 and erm , then she 's got like white satin curtains with frill and all white lace to match bumpers that in cot , she 's got a white cot , white satin festoon with frills , oh it looks bloody gorgeous , white satin lightfitting to match
21 In the Commons , Mr Kinnock accused Mrs Thatcher of ‘ defending the indefensible ’ by ‘ giving instructions that in the middle of the night armed riot police raid children , women and men , shove them into cages and forcibly deport them to the country from which they fled ’ .
22 ‘ What excuse , ’ he asked Mrs Thatcher , ‘ have you got for giving instructions that in the middle of the night , armed riot police raid children , women and men , shove them into caged lorries and forcibly deport them to the country from which they fled ? ’
23 On June 3 Mario Chiesa , the Milan PSI official whose arrest in March 1992 had sparked the corruption enquiries , told examining magistrates that in the spring of 1990 the PSI leader Bettino Craxi had asked him to support , financially and organizationally , Craxi 's son Bobo Craxi as a city council candidate .
24 I think it 's fair to say that we 've gone a long , long way in Oxford to breaking down barriers with regard to the inspection priorities , and we are in a position within the city where we have nature of , if you like , technicians and staff that are doing jobs that in many other surrounding areas , and indeed throughout the country are the prerogative of E H O , and these include areas specified as high-risk by MAFF , and include a great bulk of all customer and consumer complaints .
25 ‘ Oh , one day , quite a few years ago ’ — Kalchu 's tone was flat with resignation — ‘ the Bazaar police came , issuing orders that from now on all firearms must be licensed .
26 Craig Monson builds on his edition of the vernacular service music to validate suspicions that between the Short Services by Tallis and Byrd , and between those by Byrd and Morley , there is a commonality of material and procedures both overt and covert that is not coincidental but deliberate , and possibly inspired by respect for and deference to a master by ( not a pupil , but ) a disciple .
27 He tells voters that by investing in housing , the environment , schools and hospitals , the Liberal Democrats will ‘ kick start ’ the economy .
28 Karoly Grosz , the outgoing general secretary , cut a lonely figure as he bowed out , dropping hints that in future he would be taking a back seat in politics .
29 ‘ Cool green house ’ conditions out of doors could change our gardens dramatically , causing us to weed out the progeny of today 's tender treasures and cossetting plants that like cool , moist conditions .
30 Hilda reminded teachers that in order to continue to receive grant aid from the Sports Council we must show that we are a growing and flourishing Society .
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