Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] by those " in BNC.

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1 In the course of our social lives we are constantly learning about ways of thinking and behaving considered appropriate by those other members of society with whom we come into contact ( as well as those considered inappropriate by them ) and this learning process only ceases when social life itself ceases — on death .
2 Finally , with considerable reluctance , I suggested that his faith seemed to have very little foundation and that without more understanding to match his enthusiasm he was in danger of being tripped by the questions of life — let alone by those of his fellow students .
3 I was made uneasy by those parading men in smart suits and dark glasses , who appeared to be a kind of confraternity of Falangists , ardent nationalists and supporters of Franco , whose picture was everywhere .
4 As a woman who is young in years by our own standards but who is thought old by those of her own time .
5 Even his great friend and business partner in the Second Dominion , Hebbert Nuits-St-Georges , called Peccable by those who knew him well , a merchant who had made substantial profit from the superstitious and the woebegone in the Second Dominion , regularly remarked that the order of Yzordderrex was less stable by the day , and he would soon take his family out of the city , indeed out of the Dominion entirely , and find a new home where he would not have to smell burning bodies when he opened his windows in the morning .
6 Terrified of choking and terrified that the rope would give way , that she would fall and be eaten alive by those metal teeth , she screwed her eyes tight and prayed .
7 The exertions of the opposing armies , air forces and other formations did not go unmatched by those of their supporting information media .
8 Indeed , this had not gone unnoticed by those on the governing body as one person remarked that she ‘ had the clenched fist on the side of the car ’ although this had not been mentioned at the interview .
9 Even as the company got bigger , the familial atmosphere on which Virgin had been built in the early Seventies stayed strong , a flame that was kept alight by those who had been with Virgin since the earliest days , until it became a myth , self-perpetuating and strong enough to touch any newcomer to the organisation , strong enough to have even Richard Branson in its grip .
10 He can not interfere directly with the proceedings of the Common Law Courts ; he can not issue a new writ which will have much chance of being held good by those courts .
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