Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] but [art] " in BNC.

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31 Andy with his short hair and his blazer and neatly creased jeans , face handsome but a little spotty , expression slightly disdainful and wary .
32 His sister , Constance , was also born deaf but the youngest child , James , was not .
33 It gets bruised but the fruit remains .
34 They were all getting noisy but the cake had to be delayed until Mr Hogan returned from the shop .
35 The watch on the right there they both get smashed but the one on the back will cost you the one on the right will cost you as much to replace its glass as the one on the left completely .
36 The Italians are usually born red but the true White Park calf is born white .
37 She is maybe aware that this sounds sweet but a little ideologically uncool because she swiftly adds , ‘ It seemed like the ultimate — to make music together . ’
38 Nonetheless , varying degrees of commitment became evident but no unequivocal support for family allowances emerged .
39 One or two cars driving too fast got stuck but the road was passable with care .
40 Soon rumours started that the prisoners in the orphanage would be set free but no one knew where they would go .
41 Assuming that each individual has the same utility of income function and ability to gain from the public good , then with different incomes they will have different but the same marginal utility from the ( equally shared ) public good .
42 The patient wants to keep still but the pains can be so severe that they must move so sometimes they can appear to be restless .
43 The inclination is to stop brushing to reduce bleeding but the only way to cure it is to keep brushing .
44 Captain Swift and his party are set adrift but the good fortune customarily accorded to characters in the right is this time acceded to those whom we must call villains .
45 The road was scarcely wide enough to accommodate two cars travelling abreast but the Audi ploughed up a grass verge .
46 Changes do n't happen overnight but the feedback I get is there 's now greater visibility of managers and supervisors .
47 NEGOTIATING a settlement acceptable to both sides has proved difficult but a divorce is thought to be imminent .
48 Th told you them two in the top started new but the war broke out see and er then they this up .
49 ‘ I 'm still ring rusty but a couple of weeks ’ hard work before the European Cup should see me all right . ’
50 The prize goes to a child , age unspecified but a couple of years off joined-up writing , who says : ‘ Dear Father Chismas can I have some of these things ? ’
51 The bond of brotherhood wishes him to go far but the bitter reality of family relationships cracked by circumstance makes him determined to see his own brother sink .
52 Many of the concepts explained might have appeared self-evident but a thorough grasp of these basic points is essential for understanding later sections of the book which deal with international banking and finance .
53 Some of the growth looked old but the trees themselves were not very substantial .
54 The reason for this advice is that , if you go wrong but the examiner can identify the stage at which you have gone wrong , he is able to give you the appropriate credit .
55 In the experience of ACET staff and volunteers , practical care in the home not only benefits the HIV infected individual but the whole family , which can often mean three generations .
56 It still looked easy but the slow progress of the parties ahead showed it was not .
57 Unfortunately , the Kanda method is destructive and many of the mitotic cells become unscorable but a sufficient number are conserved to give a clear indication of X-chromosome activity .
58 When Shaun and Tony Birbeck , opening Eppleton 's innings , rapidly hit 105 , victory looked likely but the conditions caused the game to be abandoned .
59 It is not just that other large corporations ( like Grumman Aircraft , Ford and Chrysler ) become involved but a whole host of subcontractors , trade associations and local business and community groups become enmeshed .
60 Towards the end of his life Gouzenko went blind but the news was kept so secret that in 173 MI5 sent an agent to show him some photographs in the hope that he could recognise Hollis .
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