Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] but i " in BNC.

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1 I have no experience of using Pascal but I 'm sure I could learn to program in this language .
2 Nigel became despondent but I did n't .
3 They are a quiet peaceful fish and some say delicate but I have never found that to be the case .
4 I 've always voted conservative but I feel they 've made such a mess of everything I 'll vote for someone different this time .
5 And they 'll dry nice but I think you 'd need to put a stiff wire in them now while they 're st you know young .
6 I have not said sorry but I forgot .
7 ‘ I 've got to be rated doubtful but I 'm still hoping , ’ he said .
8 Now , the day had grown dark but I was a burly rogue , carrying sword and dagger , yet my assailants just seemed to step out of the shadows .
9 So you know , these traditions die hard but I m but things had to change and they changed really after the Second World War .
10 ‘ Neither of us have been made redundant but I am aware of unemployment and its effects .
11 God seemed remote but I appealed for his protection and received a measure of assurance , though I felt that I was followed by an evil presence .
12 A I might look slim but I 'm actually quite curvy — I take a size 12 in trousers and size 14 in tops .
13 My elder brother he does n't work hard but I suppose he is kind of quite .
14 It may sound naive but I was largely ignorant of the effects of either Radiotherapy or Chemotherapy .
15 ‘ I knew I was n't going great but I thought I 'd score 8,200-8,300 .
16 ‘ This time the lights turned green but I did n't get out of the way sharp enough . ’
17 I I knew that it turned blue but I did n't know that was the test .
18 Did n't stay long but I expect they 'll be back .
19 I take the squad to Holland every year and that is something I would like to see continued but I have other ideas which it may not be possible to put into practice .
20 Erm and this is going to sound stupid but I do n't know their second names .
21 ‘ I know it sounds awful but I felt she would criticise what I did and how I looked or try to organise me .
22 out , he says to me you 'll kill yourself , you always want to do something , but to be honest it 's worse for me to sit there and watch that , it 's more tiring because by the end of the night I 'm not tired or I 've been asleep all evening I , I 'm better to go out , I know it sounds awful but I do n't like being trapped , I do n't like being in because somebody seems to think I should be in
23 My Guppies keep getting pregnant but I have never seen any fry .
24 ‘ I know it sounds terrible but I 'm awfully glad I had cancer it was the best thing that ever happened to me , ’ she said .
25 Please do not leave the board mounted OS map on the wall , prop it down by table between cushions — sounds dotty but I hope it will keep it dryer rather than being against damp wall .
26 I do n't want to seem big-headed but I frankly do n't think it will work .
27 But now , it sounds crazy but I have never felt so happy . ’
28 I usually get Oriental but I I 'm not sure , I have n't tried this yet .
29 It sounds pathetic but I 'm also still quite awestruck when I talk to famous people . ’
30 It sounds pathetic but I 'm also still quite awestruck when I talk to famous people . ’
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