Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] to the " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , investors from outside the Community , from places such as Japan , the United States and many others , look at the European Community and decide that the United Kingdom is by far the best place in which to invest due to the stability , skills and reliability of our work force .
2 The production of up-to-date Class Lists has been delayed due to the tardy response of teachers to requests for current details .
3 But because this ruled out all danger or adventure , Eternity became destructive to the spirit , and the bureaucrats had themselves to be destroyed .
4 Although there was an attempt to introduce some competition for BT , this has been limited due to the natural monopoly position of parts of the telecommunications industry .
5 While there is no regulation that specifically excludes due diligence work on a listed company , in practice it is rarely undertaken due to the rules on equality of information to be given not only to all shareholders but also to offerors or bona fide potential offerors .
6 In the later stages of the disease , anaemia and hypoalbuminaemia develop due to the combined effects of protein loss and leakage of blood through the damaged mucosa .
7 Gas prices in the Netherlands are linked to the price of heating oil and have fallen due to the generally over-supplied nature of the oil products market .
8 When dealing with levels of transitions higher than bigrams storage problems can arise due to the size of the transition matrix .
9 But confusion can arise due to the difference in sizes between packages or glasses , and the definition of a unit varies widely from country to country .
10 In the past 25 years the population has trebled due to the building program .
11 It included a house in the tiny seaside village of Cramer , which clung low to the land in an attempt to avoid the rough seas and wild winds that buffeted the coast for what seemed to Nora most of the year .
12 In the past these synthesizing studies have been difficult to perform due to the lack of a technology which allows the storing , retrieval , analysis , manipulation and display of large volumes of data relating to areal units and their properties .
13 It is normal for blood pressure and pulse rates to fall due to the effect of anaesthetic drugs and gases on the cardiac and respiratory centres .
14 The much vaunted privatization of state companies , scheduled to begin in July , was repeatedly postponed due to legal and technical difficulties , and the promised cut of 360,000 civil service posts failed to materialize due to the constitutional safeguards protecting their employment .
15 As he and Chancellor Norman Lamont remain deaf to the pleas of the small businessmen , the Government 's policies are hurting all right .
16 The tenant should resist a provision that interest should be deemed to be rent due to the landlord as this will have the effect of making available the remedy of distress as well as that of forfeiture without the necessity to serve a s 146 notice .
17 Towards the end of the era , in fact , the attendants in the salons of homage became alert to the fact that among their few Western visitors , the majority were not as in awe of the Conducator as they might be and photographing the exhibits or taking notes of the sycophantic citations attached to the awards by their Western donors was discouraged .
18 I could also see the colour of paint I was using due to the pearly-white bristles .
19 Where visitors have contributed to the injuries they have sustained due to the defendant 's breach of duty under the OLA 1957 , then the damages to which they are entitled may be reduced .
20 Ace pressed the remote-control button and the room became alive to the sound of highly tuned engines revving up .
21 In bringing Labour to the edge of victory , Mr Kinnock has performed a near-miracle .
22 When their eyes became used to the gloom they could see the hut was tidily arranged with all manner of traps and tools .
23 Her main work was centred at a refuge for prostitutes and the women under her charge became used to the sight of her arriving with the latest member of her growing family in her arms .
24 There were few opportunities for attending concerts but passers-by became used to the familiar sound of Mozart 's " Jupiter " symphony or Handel 's water music floating from Eva 's house in the lunchtime break .
25 The pair became used to the waves and hoots from passing motorists , trucks and even train drivers as they journeyed to the Mediterranean coast .
26 Second attempt to lay an Atlantic cable also failed due to the cable stretching during the operation
27 Back to Dan again , ‘ I checked on Charlie on the way home and his bleeding had stopped due to the extreme cold at high altitude .
28 He said that in his opinion the lift had stopped due to the lift buttons being pressed rapidly and randomly , or through a mechanical fault .
29 Gradually my eyes got used to the glare and I was able to make sense of my surroundings .
30 Instead of him being a mate , I loathed him after that until I got used to the idea .
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