Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 All the stories I 'd read about him and heard about him from other caddies were true !
2 Philip went back to Richard 's rooms in college to wait for him on this night of undreamt-of triumph , to enjoy it with him , to talk it through .
3 But , Father , I never meant to kill , when I slipped out alone , and went to wait for him on the path by which I knew he must return .
4 He had sent her , with Ned and the barmaids and Heaven knew how many others watching , to wait for him in his bed .
5 While this internal argument reached its height , his superiors argued about him without his knowledge .
6 I 'd been caddying for Ralph Moffatt on the pro circuit and got him through the pre-qualifier at Fairhaven , so I told him I 'd be caddying for him in the Open as I 'd heard nothing from Jack .
7 After attempting to speak to his ex-girl friend on the telephone and finding she was out he decided to have another drink , and then started to think about taking some tablets which his GP had prescribed for him at the time when his girl friend had left him .
8 Who cared about him to the depths of her soul , even though he was , in his own mind , completely underserving of her love .
9 He remembered their talk together and the bleak picture she had painted for him of her life .
10 He had a picture in his mind of the layout of passage , stairs and landing , a picture unwittingly painted for him by the man who had retrieved his wallet .
11 And in this instance , he is only too aware of the kind of judgements I may make about him as a child reader , and tailors his reply accordingly .
12 Three years later , he emigrated with his parents to Israel , yet became a frequent commuter to the major musical centres of Europe , where he caught the eye of such musical heavyweights as Edwin Fischer , Wilhelm Furtwangler and ( most especially ) Arthur Rubinstein , who took an immense interest in the young pianist and arranged for him to be represented by his agent , the legendary Sol Hurok .
13 To offset the charge of inexperience , Reagan 's sponsors arranged for him to be briefed on state issues by specialist advisers .
14 Halfway down the Haymarket , now quite a distance from Piccadilly Circus , Neil paused , breathless , and afterwards wondered what kind god had arranged for him to be where he was .
15 David attempted to reassure him , and after he 'd arranged for him to be seen in the casualty department of the local eye unit he asked the factory welfare officer , Louise Raymond , to take him over .
16 He feared that another show , arranged for him through the Lefevre Gallery , at Durlacher Bros , 11 East 57th Street , New York , would also have to be delayed as by the end of the summer he had not done enough work .
17 He walked back over the warm , moonlit meadows and paused before the inn , but held on to this resolution , the righteousness firing through him like brandy .
18 Christien knows Tony and Tracey and mum Sheila will be rooting for him on Monday night when the series starts .
19 Mother cared for him with a gentleness born out of genuine relief at still having him to care for .
20 ‘ He 's old enough to have respect for one who cared for him during his teenage years .
21 Before kiln operator Steve Kelly died at 55 , he asked for help to be given to the team of Macmillan nurses who cared for him in his last months .
22 After the winner I rode for him at York . ’
23 And Roger laid about him with his whip , and left the print of it on two of the rogues before they downed him and used the thong to bind him .
24 Now he laid about him in his denunciations of England 's political leaders and institutions .
25 Sandy then asked me if I 'd like to carry for him at Walton Heath for the Cup .
26 Roberto had written and asked me to carry for him in that year 's Open .
27 Suddenly a coughing fit seized him and a stab of agony lanced through him from back to front .
28 He has such great familiarity with the keyboard that when it is hidden for him by a cloth spread over it , he plays on this cloth with the same speed and the same precision .
29 I shall only be able to weep for him at night , after Enid has fallen asleep .
30 I once specially asked for him to be there and then demanded to know at the rehearsal who was this man sitting with the flutes .
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