Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] all [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And this was not the only occasion on which he protested , in the 1920s and 1930s , at having the precepts that were formulated to meet the special conditions of 1914 taken as absolute and binding for all poetic situations at all times .
2 If the regulatory body does its sums correctly , it will then allow the monopolist to levy the minimum fixed charge necessary to ensure that the monopolist breaks even after allowing for all relevant economic costs .
3 Taking the figures for smokers and non-smokers and allowing for all competing causes of death , the conclusion is that around one in 20 of the lung cancers in the UK may be due to radon exposure at home .
4 What happened on the land depended partly on economic , technical and demographic factors which , allowing for all local peculiarities and lags , operated on the scale of the globe , or at least of large geographical-climatic zones , and on institutional factors ( social , political , legal , etc. ) which differed much more profoundly , even when the general trends of world development operated through them .
5 Two follow-up meetings have been arranged for all young people interested in producing Mass tapes and the youth liturgy .
6 The general level of pain and fear for all gay men who call is now higher and just below the surface , as many of them seek to come to terms with the virus and its effect on their lives .
7 The chair of the Georgian Supreme Soviet , Akaky Asatiani , announced on Sept. 6 that Georgia had broken off all official relations with the Soviet Union .
8 Decorative wooden decoy ducks are also touch enough to be handled by toddlers , although you must make sure the children do n't put them in their mouths — the same goes for all painted ornaments .
9 I only ask of the Government to be treated as all other men are treated .
10 The suppliers of debt finance receive their return by way of fixed interest payments , while those that supply equity funds have claims over the residual finds which remain after all other payments ( including interest payments ) have been made .
11 The curriculum on emergency management , designed for all pre-university students , advances the idea that nuclear devastation is manageable in the same way as fires , earthquakes and floods .
12 Negotiations by 5 Corps with 3 and 4 Jugoslav armies provide for all military personnel to be handed over to Jugoslavs and considerable numbers have already been handed back …
13 This four star hotel is centrally located for all major attractions in The Hague .
14 This claim has been pursued through all agreed procedures with the Banks ' Staff Relations Committee .
15 Japanese businessmen have little confidence in detailed contracts which attempt to provide for all possible contingencies .
16 The scenario at this stage was that Friern would be allowed to die with dignity à la Powick , once the catchment district services were sufficiently strengthened to provide for all new patients .
17 At the same time , the general reimbursement was cancelled for all peptic ulcer drugs .
18 This system is not allowed in vineyards of superior classification but is recommended for all authorised vine varieties in lesser growths .
19 That approach has recently been recommended for all listed companies by Britain 's Institutional Shareholders Committee .
20 Instead of the more normal five-yearly cervical smear tests that are recommended for all adult females , it may be wiser to repeat this test every two years instead .
21 He 's the manager , and looks after all financial matters .
22 " Vanquished by the power of symbolism " , as Le Goff puts it , and disposing of all practical considerations , the fourteenth-century popes returned from what they saw as their " Babylonish captivity " to their impractical papal capital of Rome .
23 He continued to live in Stirling with guardians and tutors , on his way to becoming the best educated of all Scottish monarchs .
24 ‘ The idea I have in view whilst I make the demonstration ’ may be of a particular right-angled triangle with sides of a certain length , but I may , nevertheless , be sure that it holds of all right-angled triangles if , by not mentioning the ways in which it differs from them , I use this one to stand for them all .
25 Scattered and divided , we must act like all true liberation armies .
26 ‘ Cologne may have had a poor start to the season , but they are typically disciplined like all German sides and will play as they are told to play by their coach .
27 As a god and therefore able to communicate with all other gods , the king was the high priest of every cult and every temple and the sole officiant in the ritual , and he is shown in this role presenting the offerings in temple reliefs .
28 He said health and the economy towered above all other issues in the election campaign , and added that the nation faced an alternative between modernisation and recovery under Labour , or privatisation and recession under the Tories .
29 He said health and the economy towered above all other issues in the election campaign , and added that the nation faced an alternative between modernisation and recovery under Labour , or privatisation and recession under the Tories .
30 However the necessary ducts have already been installed with all new roads — such as the A74(M) — and to existing roads during overnight maintenance operations .
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