Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] that is " in BNC.

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1 And do not think such an object can be disguised for that is manifest nonsense as you have only to try to discover .
2 Passing the crag rats who were climbing Cave Route Right Hand , I climbed my own bit of grade E6 over the tufa and out past the block of stone with a hole eroded through that is said by some to have been the lip of a water chute when the chasm was a cave .
3 I put nine , sorry , but then you put the joint money there as well so obviously that is included in that is n't it ?
4 Added to that is her instinctive feeling for people — what to do and say that will please them most .
5 Added to that is full support for TrueType fonts , which gives the intending user the best of both possible words .
6 I suppose you may say : ‘ Why should I be more green ’ ? and what I say to that is : ‘ I do n't know what the reason is for you but I do know that for me it 's about showing compassion for the planet we live on and trying to hand on as much beauty and good-will as we possibly can to future generations ; while improving our own quality of life .
7 Quite what the inhabitants made of that is perhaps left buried in history but it must have impressed Ella for they were married in 1918 .
8 Ah but so did I and I did nothing but write during that time but I 've never known and everything I 've said about that is true , has turned out to be true .
9 I mean what really your hope in looking after that is is they will come up with some idea of publishing .
10 I think all we can do after that is er have a Frank this is er Frank Sinatra and Brazil .
11 One thing to be said of that is that it does not at all follow , from the fact that we can not give particular descriptions of items that fall within a set , that we can not satisfactorily conceive of and describe the set .
12 I think to talk like that is to just to want to let it go on and on and on .
13 We anticipate a shortfall of fifteen thousand pounds compared to our original budget and what we 've done in that is we 've taken an element of seven thousand in a sense below the line so that it does n't affect this committee , but this committee has had to find eight thousand pounds with that shortfall and now the bulk of that has been met by the savings we found elsewhere in the budget and the final item there is er setting up a consultants budget of ten thousand pounds , there 's not a consultants budget of any significance at , at the moment of the committee erm the County Planning Officer anticipates there 's a need for consultants in the minerals local plan work which we 're coming into this year and also to assist in environmental assessments er and special on that .
14 erm you end up with four different er types of er reproductive strategies which are of monogamy , polygyny , polygamy and polyandry and the first one monogamy is when you have one male and female and er this minimizes the differences in reproductive success and the way it does that is because erm it , it minimizes the difference between the sexes because monogamy takes the limitations of the male erm to reproduce only with the one female so the male to female ratio of reproductive success the same in monogamy , and er what happens to that is this little in er more equal towards their parental investment .
15 Leave my handbag alone but you see when it was in the window Jane I thought it looked a bit too light , but I think what makes it look like that is they 've got the light shining
16 And yet erm what er what seems to have be going against that is that erm at least so far as is concerned , the proof is any theorem is a unique pathway .
17 Next , specific action may be agreed upon that is realistic and measurable with perhaps a contingency plan lined up too .
18 All I can understand from that is that it must be a universal image .
19 All I can understand from that is that it must be a universal image .
20 And in the past , the , the nearest we 've got to that is taking them along to a fire station and telling them what sort of people we are , that has been proved in many cases to be counterproductive , because it 's actually an incentive if you wish to set fires from other districts than this .
21 Ooh look at that is n't that nice !
22 Someone who agrees with that is
23 Someone who agrees with that is Goldie Hawn .
24 If anyone is thinking of booking a place on one of these tours they would be strongly advised to study the list of studios beforehand and to ensure there is at least one artist they know of that is of interest .
25 I 'm not a yeller , but the only way I can handle him if he gets like that is , I yell back .
26 The only person I know like that is John .
27 ‘ We do n't always get what we want , ’ she answered with clipped control , ‘ and learning to deal with that is just as much a part of the Christian life as any other experience . ’
28 The only way to deal with that is by the appointment of a military ombudsman , who can deal with the problems objectively and is seen to do so .
29 The only way to deal with that is to make coal a competitive source of fuel and the first choice for the generators .
30 It is to do with that is n't
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