Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] on [det] " in BNC.

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1 The ambiguity of something so ill-defined argued for on such different , and sometimes contradictory grounds , needs serious analysis .
2 I understand that the deep ditch that the boy and motorcycle crashed into on that fateful night is referred to as ‘ deadman 's ditch ’ , a horrific reminder of a foolhardy game that cost a young man his life .
3 Like so much that was sacred at Canterbury , it was all hearsay , and all the more violently adhered to on that account .
4 However , there had been a long and consistent course of dealing which was adhered to on this occasion .
5 Are they , are they have they , are they stupid , have they gone totally mad and they 're obstructing this thing for ever and ever and ever just for the sake of obstructing and you have t to listen to what they say on on this , the argument that we 're having here and have had here and the argument that we 've had about old people 's homes , they 've been two running sores in this authority and hopefully today in both of them we 'll be making progress and I think I 'd like to .
6 Unfortunately , experienced models are hard to come by on most of the Polynesian islands , though it is possible to find a few in Papeete .
7 No it sounds like one you wo n't have heard of on that , the big old LP 's that me and Nicola , Nicola for a birthday , that erm , school love he used to be er , oh I du n no what was his name ?
8 Anybody got anything they want to talk about on that ?
9 Thank you for looking after on those really black days when even he seemed too much to cope with .
10 One of the main purposes of o of a consortium is actually looking at the health needs erm it 's impressions that I 've I actually got o on a number of occasions that I 've er I think involvement in assessing health needs but I 've actually answered anywhere er , and I 'd very interested as to how or what kind of input erm we will be looking to on that ?
11 There are excrescences one could do without on this side of the town .
12 These three teams , then , had everything to play for on that Saturday .
13 See what they look like on this one .
14 What 's this gon na sound like on that tape .
15 Erm really it 's an issue about the amount , what little amount of hag that housing association grants are a comes into Harlow via the housing corporation we do n't have a lot to play with on any .
16 So I 've got a good idea what 's going on on that spreadsheet , what 's on it , where it is , and what 's happen what happens in the processes .
17 But er I , you know , I do n't really know what , where John 's got to on that .
18 In each case I pressed the national authorities concerned to allow me to send a UK ‘ observer ’ to their investigation and I am happy to say that our request was agreed to on each occasion .
19 The amount will be determined either by a percentage , a fixed sum arrived at on some other basis , or an hourly rate .
20 But I welcome any participation in the debate I have called for on these issues , provided that it addresses the issues in a realistic way .
21 We could live with that figure , and indeed our local plan is based on on that sort of a figure , being accommodated within that area .
22 thing early in the week out with him and he did n't know how to operate it , so half the tapes , I mean we checked them because he 's he 's got ta write down who is speaking on on those tapes
23 … The proceedings in the present case are for the direct purpose of handing the appellant over so that he may be dealt with on these charges .
24 Erm no it it it y you know where I 'm coming from on this , the suggestion is that Se
25 Let's have a look see if it 's been rewound , yeah , mm actually you might not have to on that , that might just be there , oh dear he 's throwing a strop up there
26 On a point of information Helen what can happen on on this second reading if
27 This is the great hall and I could spend easily as long as I 've already spent on on this hall but I wo n't .
28 Having said all they needed to on this subject , they left it , and Alice said after a pause , " I went round this afternoon .
29 that both Gethwyn and Russell sorted out er who up on on those extremes that you get in a group that , that maybe feel they re that they really have nothing to , hardly anything to do with us they 've do n't receive ministry and why should that be , and after be asked each year , has to go up ?
30 I want to s s comment on on this meeting .
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