Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] it as " in BNC.

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1 It needs a powerful machine to run it at a reasonable speed but even if you do n't have such a machine you need to know about it as a sign of things to come .
2 In the cool light of this brighter day it was hard to conceive of it as a visitation of demons .
3 He entered into it as if for sanctuary .
4 If he had been absent I would have looked upon it as something of a hollow victory .
5 I have a Goniopora coral and my Clownfish lives in it as if it were an anemone , which is not doing it a lot of good .
6 But that we become committed to it as the way to save the country and the peace appears to me full of dangers . ’
7 They cynically referred to it as ‘ college ’ where they picked up further tips in the arts of fraud from their cell mates .
8 This could be ( and has been ) achieved not only by investigative journalism and television documentaries , which do appear to have influenced the general level of awareness amongst American citizens to such an extent that Spiro Agnew referred to it as the ‘ post-Watergate ’ morality .
9 The Scots ' commissioners in London were far from pleased with this new English church , and one of them referred to it as ‘ but a lame , Erastian presbytery ’ .
10 Elsewhere he referred to it as ‘ developing socialism ’ , differentiating it from the ‘ developed socialism ’ that was supposed to have been constructed in the Brezhnev era and still more so from the utopian vision of a society rapidly advancing towards full communism that had been current in the Khrushchev years .
11 Robert Savage referred to it as a box-iron piece , a piece of land roughly the shape of an old fashioned box-iron used for smoothing linen ; and he related that the old ploughmen used to refer to the ploughing of this type of field as goring work .
12 In any case , the clear separation of the Bank from all others was well enough indicated by Lord North in 1781 when he referred to it as " a part of the constitution " and " to all intents and purposes the public exchequer " .
13 I understand that it is possible , even at this late stage , that the review itself could be overturned by the refusal of France to agree the new allocation of seats and we 've already had an exchange on that , Mr Deputy Speaker , which indicates that whatever we decide today might actually be overthrown and overturned completely by the inability of the French to ratify their part of the arrangement , er the minister referred to it as a massive inconvenience , I suggest that if we have to resort to going back to the old boundaries to fight these elections and indeed the problems that that will cause for the selection of candidates as well , that that will be one of the greatest understatements that even this house has heard .
14 So , there 's something given , that entitles feedback I was giving you then , some people referred to it as this .
15 Throughout the book he referred to it as the monster or used another word which expressed his hatred for it .
16 So if four of us were to work on it as a group ,
17 The use of the split infinitive is now generally acceptable , though some more traditional grammarians would probably still disapprove of it as incorrect English .
18 A further defence came from Tony Swift , chairman of the International Federation rules committee : ‘ We do n't think of it as a woman up there — as far as we are concerned it is a person , ’ he said .
19 Over the next two months , we will be subjected to a barrage of argument , statistics and plain propaganda from Woolworths ( yes , call it Kingfisher if you want , but most people will still think of it as Woolies ) and from Dixons .
20 But he did not think of it as a cosmic event which must somehow change the whole of human thought , altering philosophy and theology and closing the mouths of poets ; such a view seemed to him superstitious , a denial of ordinary scholarship and ordinary hard-thinking rationality .
21 I do not think of it as a quest in the normal sense but as a drowning or shipwreck in the infinite .
22 ‘ I looked up and saw this person — I did n't think of it as me .
23 By all means enjoy an autumn romance but do not think of it as anything more than that . ’
24 Instead of thinking of society as made up of simple parts , we must think of it as a collection of wholes which together make up one ‘ complex whole ’ .
25 Do n't think of it as a cage ; it 's your home , so learn to love it . "
26 Yeah if you can write erm do n't think of it as as homework you might like to writ it in book or something .
27 So we put another wire on , do n't think of it as resistance , think of it as a conductor , it 's going to let some more current through .
28 and say well think of the conductance , do n't think of it as resisting and stopping the water , how much can it get along and get through ?
29 You can think of it as sharing it out between people , share that ten pound out between ten of you .
30 ‘ Besides , it comes with a condition attached , so do n't think of it as a gift . ’
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