Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] ['s] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This might explain Shell 's reluctance to commercialise or even patent the reaction .
2 Was it too soon to wear Faith 's amethyst brooch ?
3 Richter destroys photography 's routine claim to truth and verisimilitude ; he denies the supposed mutual exclusiveness of the figurative and abstract .
4 It was created by Michael Lewis using clynol 's Salon Formula Volume Builder which enhances movement and fullness .
5 The ‘ perfect crime ’ began to go wrong , he added , only when Customs investigators checked Inca 's books — and a Lloyd 's syndicate sued for fraud .
6 But it is still better not to cook dishes yourself using cow 's milk before she is six months old , and you should also avoid giving your baby dairy products like yogurt , or mixing her cereal with cow 's milk .
7 The preacher at its official opening in 1896 was the Revd John Hugh Smyth-Pigott who later proclaimed himself to be Jesus Christ and who became Prince 's successor at the Agapemone .
8 Ameritech Corp 's Ohio Bell Telephone Co issued $100m of 5.75% notes due May 1 2000 , at $99.85% to yield 5.776% .
9 If today 's brinkmanship backfires on Mr Yeltsin , he will almost certainly put to the popular vote the future of his reforms and a proposal for a constitution that would weaken parliament 's powers .
10 Browne , the king 's gun-founder , became Parliament 's gun-founder .
11 Since the structures adduced to support Cable 's arguments seem sound , we may be coming to a position where the study of prosody has mentalistic goals .
12 ‘ He 's the local judge , and I ought to report Pew 's death to him or Squire Trelawney .
13 On 8 June , Caparo began to acquire Fidelity 's shares .
14 The only methods available to do this were either to find cheaper sources of raw materials , squeeze labour 's wages or increase the technological composition of the productive process .
15 Jacqui Lait , of the European Union of Women , attacked Labour 's proposal for a minimum wage .
16 It is another U-turn by Mr Major after Tories attacked Labour 's plans to unfreeze the cash if elected .
17 But on a visit to Newcastle , former Tory Home Secretary Lord Waddington yesterday attacked Labour 's law and order record .
18 The 300-strong crowd of party supporters warmly applauded her when she argued Labour 's policies would give a fair deal to women .
19 We should dispel the myth that the Conservative party is the party of defence and that Labour is the party of surrender — as shown on a brilliant poster in the 1987 general election campaign which depicted Labour 's defence policy as a soldier with his hands in the air in surrender .
20 Has just recently withdrawn Labour 's promise to link pensions with average earnings .
21 You may choose not to report this , but you should have the honesty to report Labour 's policy accurately .
22 Even if she 'd dabbed Mummy 's eyes and wiped her brow with a hanky soaked in cologne .
23 Party candidates privately admit that regular meetings could have jeopardised Labour 's chances .
24 Later Hooker was to be an inspiration to the Tractarians , an anchor which held many of them within the Church of England when their friends departed for Rome ; Keble , in editing Hooker 's works , described him as ‘ the chief human instrument in the salutary interference of Divine providence ’ in the affairs of the English Church .
25 Every Tuesday and Thursday afternoons I repeat Goldsmith 's Geography and afterwards trace on maps , Countries , Islands , Seas , and Rivers .
26 I hope that , during this Question Time , the hon. Member for Oldham , West ( Mr. Meacher ) will make Labour 's policy clear .
27 So I used to support Goldsmith 's views , perhaps rather more strongly than I actually should of done .
28 At the other end , Bryan Gould ( A Future for Socialism ) held his audience spellbound as he charted Labour 's recovery from assumptions of unchallenged ‘ rightness ’ , once taken for granted and shattered by Thatcherism .
29 Gordon Brown , the shadow chancellor , tried to flesh out his party 's economic philosophy with a paper underlining Labour 's break with public ownership .
30 While declining to say what his views were on proportional representation , he promised to continue Labour 's debate on electoral reform now being considered by an internal committee .
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