Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] [noun pl] over " in BNC.

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1 On Oct. 12 three former Matrix Churchill executives had come to trial charged with breaching export regulations over a period of more than two years prior to Iraq 's invasion of Kuwait in August 1990 , in particular by falsely describing the equipment as for civilian use .
2 The prize is intended to support research projects over a period of several years .
3 We stop to cover our faces with our balaclavas , haul in the drawstrings on our anoraks and clamp snow goggles over our eyes .
4 I had to write string quartets and little symphonies and I had to write jazz melodies over chords and , eventually , I had to write down my own music .
5 Shute will probably start the game tomorrow night , as he has work doubts over defender Dave Bowman and striker Mark Shield , while another midfielder , Micky George will have a fitness test .
6 Teesside Development Corporation , which has planning powers over the site , said it had considered doing something with the site but had been deterred from making a bid because of site access problems .
7 In June among the initial measures of Cresson 's government were bills providing for ( i ) hospital reform ( designed to tighten government regulations over private components of the national health system , approved by the National Assembly on its first reading on April 29 , by the Senate on June 7 and finally by the National Assembly on June 19 and prompting protests by 60,000-100,000 people on June 11 ) ; ( ii ) tougher penalties for desecrating graves ( approved on June 14 following the desecration of Jewish graves in Carpentras in May 1990 — see p. 37468 ; for earlier legislation against racism see p. 37683 ) ; and ( iii ) restrictions on telephone tapping ( the latter receiving the approval of the National Assembly on June 13 and of the Senate on June 25 ) .
8 It all sounds as if the compiler technology — an essential element of the Pentium 's claimed performance benefits over the 80486 — is n't quite there yet .
9 It all sounds as if the compiler technology — an essential element of the Pentium 's claimed performance benefits over the 486 — is n't quite there yet .
10 Can you buy marrowfat peas over here ?
11 Oh yeah I , I I , I really think that you can just go and buy driving licences over the counter just like that .
12 To reach Ariel and her mother , he had to cross the stream ; he did so , night after night , using stepping stones over unearthly flashes of phosphorescence in the water , and stepping up on to the further bank , still unwilling , still keeping his mind on Rebecca and the love he had sworn to her , until once more he found himself at the entrance of Ariel 's cabin , once more gave orders to the guard to leave him , and entered to speak to her , disturbing her rest , though she had come to expect his call ; then after their unsatisfactory exchanges , he would lift the fronds at the entrance and leave again , only to succumb once more , and toss himself off in rage and helplessness , before he skulked back to Belmont .
13 Increased personal mobility , principally through growth in private car ownership , has dramatically altered shopping patterns over recent years .
14 Differential inflation rates and current account disequilibria probably influence exchange rates over the medium-term , i.e. two-five years .
15 After a period supporting Coastal Command based at Predannock , Cornwall , in 1943 Braham was switched to the experimental task of escorting bomber streams over Europe .
16 During the early part of that day , orders were given to the army to arrest strike organisers over much of Ulster .
17 3. he statutory obligations to consult trade unions over redundancies contained in employment protection law ( see IDS , 1982 ) remain in force , but they are reduced to a formality .
18 Clarke warns trade unions over pay fight
19 The Isle of Man Tourist Board is offering microlight gliding days round the island ; Lake Vrnwy Hotel in Mid-Wales is promoting helicopter safaris over magnificent scenery ; and clients can abseil down the walls of the Lake District 's Armathwaite Hall .
20 Install porch lights over front and back doors .
21 In 1236 , following a long legal battle , he secured visitation rights over the monks of Coventry .
22 One solution is to allocate property rights over the resources , so that the cost of the individual 's use of them falls only on the individual .
23 The early experience of the polytechnics and colleges has not been encouraging , with complaints from the Directors of Polytechnics that fierce competition was leading to the under-funding of courses and falling standards ; they also claimed that the Polytechnic and Colleges Funding Council was favouring diploma courses over degree work .
24 Brooke urged to tackle TV chiefs over RUC broadcast
25 Not only were these the first privately owned diesels to regularly haul freight trains over BR main lines , but they were also remarkable in having originated at La Grange , Illinois .
26 Farmers are short of cash , and are likely to step up sales early in the season , lifting exports from the two countries to near record levels over the next six months .
27 Two seven-year-old American boys face rape charges over an attack on a six-year-old classmate in a school in Indianapolis , Indiana .
28 BEAUTIFUL Mona Bauwens last night spoke of her ‘ disappointment ’ at her failure to win libel damages over the newspaper story about her Spanish holiday with David Mellor and his family .
29 In the main , this situation was created by , firstly , the distance between the units , especially the Regional Unit , and the communities in which the users live ; and , secondly , the lack of available staff with , for example , the local unit having the equivalent of two full-time staff to cover home visits over the whole area .
30 But heavy rain has produced quagmire conditions over the Achselschwang course and this vital part of the championships could be something of a lottery .
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