Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [noun] not " in BNC.

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1 They argued about freedoms not in terms of immediate advantage , but in terms of absolute justice .
2 Centuries after their creation , we intervene to limit the deterioration of frescoes , painted panels , canvases or marbles , and to preserve for posterity not just an empty shell but the enduring substance of a work of art .
3 The refugee was one of several people travelling on false documents who , when detained in the UK , asked for asylum not only from their countries of origin but also from Germany .
4 CIC is already one of the world leaders in pen operating systems , having produced PenDOS , an environment specifically designed for use not only in developing totally new pen based applications , but also for transforming existing mouse driven DOS and Windows applications so that they can become ‘ pen aware ’ .
5 The health authority has for years not shown any signs of so doing , I have to say .
6 Bowers calculates that , of the £5950 that the NCC pays , £500 goes in compensating for grants not received and £3150 in consumer subsidies that the farmer missed out on .
7 Restaurant boss Torbjorn Olsson , who sells the stuff in Soho , London , said : ‘ When they get home , their breath stinks of garlic not beer .
8 The finest Cycladic products of the time are huge jars decorated with figure-scenes not painted but in relief , the best from Mykonos with panels on the body showing warriors putting women and children to the sword : a savage view of the sack of Troy , as is made clear by the superb rendering on the neck of the Wooden Horse ( fig.10 ) .
9 I was in love before I left England and the hope of marriage was such a spur that with help from the two Williams , I was able to pass with distinction not only two , but three exams .
10 A higher proportion of the CSW team 's notional ‘ elderly ’ time was devoted to work with people not yet clients , or ‘ not exactly ’ clients ( whether they were regarded as open cases or not seemed to be a matter of chance ) .
11 Recommendations regarding placement will need to bear in mind not only a child 's existing abilities , but also the progress a child is likely to make in different educational settings .
12 Yet it is clear that TUC leaders were trapped within constraints not of their making .
13 I am vulnerable to the inference here that my inquiry has vested interests ; that because I am an African-American and a writer I stand to benefit in ways not limited to intellectual fulfilment from this line of questioning .
14 Former US President Richard Nixon paid an unofficial visit to China at the invitation of the Chinese government on Oct. 31 to Nov. 2 , 1989 , during a meeting with Deng Xiaoping on Oct. 31 the latter commented : " Frankly speaking , the USA was involved too deeply in the turmoil and counter-revolutionary rebellion which occurred in Beijing not long ago " , and reportedly called on the USA to take the initiative in improving Sino-US relations .
15 The sportsman thoroughly disapproves of myxomatosis — the plague that now hits rabbit stocks almost annually — and he fervently hopes that reasonable stocks will survive in perpetuity not only for the maintenance of his sport but also out of regard for the rabbit itself .
16 Erm , the first point relates to erm affordable housing targets in York , and the consequences that that has in relation not only to York but other areas , on the on the assumption that that there is , there has to be an overspill to adjou adjacent areas .
17 And in saying this , one has in mind not the Cantos but the much more straightforward and generally serviceable forms which Pound put into currency in collections like Ripostes ( 1912 ) and Lustra ( 1916 ) .
18 Meanwhile , the collaboration of the secular arm in bringing excommunicates to heel not only continued but apparently gathered pace .
19 The consequent problems are seen at every stage of subsequent development as the parents struggle to learn signing because their children were not ‘ good enough ’ to progress normally , and as the children have to come to terms not only with deafness but with the community of deaf people which has been shunned by their families .
20 Rosa has to come to terms not only with what her inheritance means to her but also with accusations that her parents ' brand of Communist radicalism ducks the real issue — the oppression of the black majority by the white minority .
21 One of the things I worry about considerably is that I feel a lot of well-meaning people bring pressure to bear on companies not to take decisions .
22 In accordance with general practice in Jamaica the prosecution disclosed to the defence the depositions of those witnesses taken at the committal hearing , but not their earlier statements to the police ; they did not disclose to the defence before or during the trial a statement made to the police by the deceased 's husband and two statements made by the deceased 's sister , relating to incidents not covered in their depositions , which were inconsistent with their evidence at trial .
23 However , the significance of the above cases is not confined to activities not in the nature of commercial ventures or to the past or to contracting out by government .
24 For the purposes of s 287(1) , the meaning of the term should be confined to releases not given for full consideration , on the grounds that such a limitation was required by the context of s 287(1) itself and by the provisions of TA 1970 relating to company distributions as a whole ( ss 233–237 and 282–286 ) .
25 They have been able to work on problems not in order to satisfy an authoritative teacher , but because the problems are intrinsically interesting and challenging .
26 Housing turnover has collapsed to levels not seen in a generation — and in just two months , September and October , house prices fell by 4% , enough to virtually wipe out the deposit the first-time buyer could normally expect to pay .
27 Although this proposal has at present not the slightest chance of being implemented , nevertheless as the rate of inflation and growing unemployment prove to be intractable problems so people will be forced to seek solutions which work in practice even if that means constraining both government and its officials .
28 After much discussion , the task of building the island ( which is surrounded by traffic not water ) falls to the winner of last year 's competition , the architect Oswald Matthias Ungers .
29 Wars are won by tanks not soft tackles .
30 The proceedings of Sir Paul Scoon after the American invasion were just as revolutionary — meaning validated by force not law — as had been the proceedings of the superseded military regime .
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