Example sentences of "[verb] [pn reflx] the [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But I will , ’ he said softly , allowing himself the smallest of smiles .
2 Voltaire , an altogether more sympathetic figure , who incidentally used to serve himself the best Burgundy while giving his guests vin ordinaire , observed in one of his philosophical tales that la lune de miel is followed the next month by la lune de l'absinthe . ] )
3 He had bought himself the latest issue of Wildlife and was immersed in an article about otters .
4 If you can aim squarely , hold the club correctly and form a good stance , then you give yourself the best chance to strike the ball correctly .
5 That 's right trying to find work these days can be demanding and extremely frustrating so you want to make sure that you give yourself the best chance of getting a job and one way to help is to do a good application form and know how to handle yourself in an interview .
6 It will be on every player 's mind when he stands on the tee to give himself the best chance of an uphill putt , whether it be from that tee shot or a subsequent approach .
7 While Sarazen felt ‘ the biggest heel in the world ’ , he also knew he had to give himself the best chance of winning the Open ; and that , regrettably , could not be achieved with his old caddie Dan .
8 He kept up the pressure with his shoulder to give himself the widest gap possible .
9 ‘ You 've just landed yourself the best guide on the island , Miss Chester .
10 She stayed as she was , looking up at him from beneath her long black lashes , allowing herself the faintest smile of pleasure .
11 A man of ninety suddenly finds himself the oldest man in the village not necessarily because he is ninety but because a man of ninety-one died yesterday .
12 ‘ The omnipotence of the House of Commons , ’ he wrote , ‘ is revolution itself and death to the true old English constitution ’ — of which he fancied himself the best judge .
13 I had proved myself the fittest by the mere act of survival .
14 None the less the opposite argument is equally shaky ; it would be frightening to imagine teachers embarking on the planning of a term 's work or even one single-period unit without asking themselves the simplest questions : " Why am I doing this ?
15 QUITE HOW it happened is open to public conjecture , but from being ‘ just another band ’ a few milliseconds back , the sumptuous , swaggering pearls of suave currently referred to as Suede today find themselves the red-hottest property on a lukewarm market .
16 Edgar Linton was still in love with her , and thought himself the happiest man on earth when he married her three years after his parents ' death .
17 He 'll prove himself the best fighter in the world because the WBC 's main contender Tony Tucker and WBO champion Mike Moorer , a really dangerous customer , are waiting in the wings .
18 Apple liked the idea so much that they invested a 20% stake in Adobe making themselves the largest customer .
19 He accounted himself the unluckiest man alive .
20 NORWICH are setting themselves the toughest of targets over the last nine games of the season as they bid to become champions .
21 In life Kelly set herself the toughest challenges , and she met them head on .
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