Example sentences of "[verb] [pn reflx] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If we make ourselves the bar , if we suggest that self-determination is the right of every people on earth but the Germans , we risk creating resentments in Germany which could be quite as destabilising to the European order as reunification .
2 Another contributor said that if we asked ourselves the question : ‘ Do the agencies discriminate against West Belfast ? ’ , the answer had to be ‘ yes ’ .
3 We have enforced questionable criteria , appealed to divine authority and given ourselves the right to make our own interpretation of it .
4 Outside but shadowing the DM , we deny ourselves the support of the system at times of currency fluctuation .
5 ‘ Outside , but shadowing the Deutschmark , we deny ourselves the support of the system at times of currency fluctuation . ’
6 And if that child is sensitive and caring and does not wish to hurt or disappoint his parents , perhaps he may even enter the medical profession and spend years doing something he does not really want to do while denying himself the opportunity of fulfilling his life in the way he would have chosen .
7 He fixed his eyes on the prophecy with fresh deliberation , denying himself the comfort of blinking to be certain he missed nothing .
8 Sheffield United 's Dave Bassett is the latest to find himself the subject of a police inquiry after being reported by the gentle , clean-mouthed souls who inhabit Chelsea 's stands for swearing .
9 I mean he has to take it seriously and occupy himself the effluvium which rises from it .
10 Instead of contested tithes , he found himself the guardian of a rich , varied , and passionately cultivated tradition for which the documentary evidence was fragmentary , but the local testimony entirely firm .
11 FOOTBALL fan Andy Meek went to watch his team York City in action yesterday — and found himself the match sponsor .
12 A host of examples can be cited throughout the period of Stewart rule up to 1542 ; the fate of the mighty earls of Douglas at the hands of James II in the mid fifteenth century , the case , enshrined in ballad , of the over-confident border reiver Johnnie Armstrong , who suddenly found himself the victim of the utter ruthlessness of James V , tell the same story about how royal power was exercised in Scotland .
13 Such as it was , it constituted a public place , and he could no longer guarantee himself the seclusion and privacy of the deserted churchyard .
14 Almost from its first departmental production meeting Doctor Who found itself the target of several wielded axes .
15 But then , on 12 October , It found itself the target of a takeover .
16 So continuous is this precipitation that it has earned itself the name of ‘ marine snow ’ .
17 She knew the Spanish liking for these little snacks and she stepped down into the street , a little surprised to find herself the focus of several pairs of eyes .
18 KAY BLAIR was recently shocked to find herself the recipient of high quality service
19 The most likely explanation is that she intended some disruption of the race and , having ducked under the rails , found herself the beneficiary of the sheer coincidence of the King 's horse — whose colours she would have recognized — being isolated from the other runners .
20 Mr Spencer told the jury : ‘ For a period of two years , from about the age of 13 onwards , the girl found herself the target of sexual and physical abuse from her stepfather .
21 Foxes often avoid the colony sites of breeding seabirds because if they attempt a swift invasion to capture nestlings they are liable to find themselves the object of severe and painful dive-bombing by the parent gulls and their companions .
22 That means you 'd be denying yourself the beauty and privilege of being a parent . ’
23 Nor had Innocent any intention of allowing himself the humiliation of Lateran I where the council defeated the pope .
24 By adopting the Waste Land theme , Eliot made himself the performer of the latest enactment of a repeated rite , just as in his poem clerk and typist ( like the earlier Burbank and Volupine ) enact their own sexual ritual .
25 He made himself the centre for information during the Red Raids that followed , brutal nights when civil liberties were swept aside .
26 Gazza said : ‘ Some of what he did might have been wrong but I respect the fact that Maradona made himself the player Napoli could n't do without when he was in Italy .
27 And though the winner was US-bred , owned by a Saudi Arabian prince and ridden by an Irish-born jockey , this was a moment of the utmost sweetness for British racing , for Dancing Brave , here proving himself the horse of the decade by treating with contempt an international field of the highest quality , was trained in Sussex by Guy Harwood .
28 His sojourn in the car was simply to assure himself the messenger boy responded to the given description and had not been followed .
29 One thinks himself the master of others , and still remains the greater slave than they .
30 After the fight with the beggars he had left the sack with Allen and Marian because it had seemed to him an ingenious way of saving himself the trouble of carrying it to Simon 's hut and back again while at the same time it was a guarantee that the children would remain until he returned .
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