Example sentences of "[verb] [pn reflx] [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is entirely clear from the documents in front of us in the treaty that we are enabling ourselves to have the option to opt in .
2 On several later occasions we returned to the pool , and tried ourselves to attract the eels with rice from both above and beneath the water .
3 We have committed ourselves to increase the programme on school buildings by 16 per cent .
4 He says his only reason for deciding to kill Caesar was that he had committed himself to help the general public .
5 After lobster in Sligo , eaten late and washed down with Macon Villages , they took the southward route to Charlestown , on the landward side of Slieve Gamph , then on to Claremorris and Tuam , because Rory said he did n't trust himself to take the coastal roads , to get too near the sea .
6 The cap that happened to get overlooked returns the reader 's gaze blankly yet unavoidably , like the bill from a restaurant abroad which the conspirators find when they turn out the dead man 's pockets , and like the child 's clay whistle which one of them has provided himself with to give the agreed signal — for he has lost so many teeth that he ca n't trust himself to produce the sound naturally .
7 Ceauşescu could trust himself to play the liberal , but he could not be certain of Gorbachev 's real intentions .
8 Sure enough , the waiter returned a moment later and Charlie was with him , brushing dandruff from his jacket as he squared himself to face the public .
9 Archer was said to have become especially depressive when starving himself to make the required weight .
10 The problem for Kahn and his fellow minority shareholders , representing approximately 25%/ of Velcro 's publicly held share , was the powerful presence of a 65%/ block in Velcro held by a company called Cohere , which had originally committed itself to support the liquidation proposal .
11 So , once again , having committed itself to support the fictional or , at most , ‘ evolutionary ’ independence of Vietnam , the US was just as dependent as ever on France to make this vision a reality .
12 In so doing , it has committed itself to protect the area and prevent deterioration to its habitats .
13 Cassie , who by now was trembling so violently that she could not trust herself to lift the loaded tray , said lightly : ‘ Take the tray , will you , Jenny ?
14 She did not want to talk to her friend about Jamie , and she did not trust herself to hold a lengthy conversation with Bridget without mentioning his visit .
15 And secondly , if she did n't see what she thought she was going to see , she would n't trust herself to keep a straight face .
16 D' you know that I cry myself to sleep every night ?
17 Reports over the previous four months that unity negotiations were under way among the various political heirs of Kwame Nkrumah were confirmed by an announcement on Sept. 10 that three Nkrumahist parties , the National Independence Party ( NIP ) , the People 's Heritage Party ( PHP ) , and the unregistered Popular Party for Democracy and Development ( PPDD ) , had agreed to an electoral alliance , pledging themselves to support a single presidential candidate and one parliamentary candidate in each of the country 's 200 constituencies .
18 At this time of year , when everyone is pledging themselves to improve the sorry lot we call our lives , I have decided to give up lying .
19 Erm , I 'd consider myself to have an eating disorder but I do n't have anorexia or bulimia .
20 If my servant , acting bona fide within the scope of his authority , procures or causes me to break a contract which I have made with you , you can not sue the servant for interference with the contract ; for he is my alter ego here , and I can not be sued for inducing myself to break a contract , although I may be liable for breaking the contract .
21 Only then would ministers steel themselves to introduce the unpleasant but indispensable reform measures .
22 Although Reagan was a right-wing candidate , he was careful not to repeat the mistake of Goldwater in 1964 of allowing himself to appear an extremist .
23 Now Donald was bracing himself to take the weight of the heavier outer door and Donald McLaggan was helping him , easing it up off its hinges .
24 He came back to England and went on drinking champagne alone , and nerved himself to do a TV series without Fred .
25 But we do pledge ourselves to undertake the task with energy and determination , confident that in the full-time life of our Parliament we can make a great advance in industrial prosperity .
26 Will the Hon. Gentleman pledge himself to renationalise the steel industry ?
27 He prepared himself to meet the Mahatma on the basis of ‘ personal appeal and conviction ’ , taking to heart the advice of V.S.S. Sastri , who was acting as intermediary , that Gandhi was ‘ like a woman ; you have got to win him ; therefore before you see him , perform all your ablutions , say all your prayers and put on your deepest spiritual robes ’ .
28 In an attempt to fulfil his promise to prevent Aristide from taking office on Feb. 7 , Lafontant declared himself provisional president , and committed himself to create a " true democracy " and to " wipe out the blot and bloody insult " of the Dec. 16 election .
29 Although Buchanan committed himself to continue the fight , he accepted that only " celestial intervention " could prevent Bush from securing the nomination .
30 Guillaume , it appears , did not exert himself to keep the promise and Modigliani repeatedly asked Zbo about them .
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