Example sentences of "[verb] [pn reflx] [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 He found the King 's strength and confidence increasing and he had no doubts about his fitness to rule ; but the King was still anxious for time in which to adjust himself to his new station and duties .
2 An unidentified East German , arrested in a crackdown on corruption as he tried to flee with more than half a million marks ( about £180,0000 ) , has hanged himself in his cell .
3 An unidentified East German , arrested in a crackdown on corruption as he tried to flee with more than half a million marks ( about £180,000 ) has hanged himself in his cell .
4 In an early episode of Hill Street Blues the ‘ joke ’ of a ‘ nut ’ who thinks he is Dracula , complete with cape and thirst for blood , is caught out by the discovery that he has hanged himself in his cell .
5 The Israeli authorities claimed that the detainee , Attiyah Abdel Atti Zanin , had hanged himself in his cell .
6 A MAN hanged himself in his bedroom after he became depressed about a break-up with his girlfriend .
7 If he was merely bent on amusing himself with his prisoner , did it matter who heard ?
8 Men , as he tried to pull himself to his feet , something big and heavy and square cannoned into him out of the dark and plunged off after the wizard .
9 He contradicted himself within his own question by saying that we have no constitutional ideas and then identifying an area on which we are currently consulting with a view to making constitutional changes .
10 The details are too uncertain for any useful discussion , but the meaning of the episode is that about 200 B.C. one Roman writer had deluded himself about his chances of importing fifth-century Athenian freedom of speech into Rome ( Cic .
11 One day Mark found himself on his knees in the chapel , eyes tight shut , praying , please God , let Sam put his cock in my mouth .
12 He had revealed more of his degraded sensibilities than he knew , in thus equating himself with his travesty of life and Elizabeth with some monster yet uncreated .
13 It is impossible to prove that the rivalries thus engendered endured , or that the king subsequently failed to impose himself on his major followers , favouring some individuals at the expense of others , and allowing his officials to get out of hand , all at the expense of national unity .
14 Turnbull busies himself with his clipboard as his reply is translated .
15 Well the first time when he found it could comb is hair straight back with his right hand ; he could dry himself under his arms properly instead of just sort of wiping at it with a towel ; wash his teeth better , instead of using his left hand with difficulty because he 's never been really left handed .
16 Sister Paul , who was the author of several devotional volumes , wrote the special prayer : Heart of Jesus , grant that the eyes of the non-Catholic father of Thy little servants , Martha and Matilda , may be opened , that his tepid soul may become fervent , and that he may return to establish himself on his rightful hearth , Amen .
17 There is a certain grudging margin , to be sure , about all that Mr Eliot writes — as if he were compensating himself for his limitations by a peevish assumption of superiority .
18 Wexford let himself into his own house and the dog Clytemnestra galloped to meet him .
19 Instead of completely introjecting the mother and emasculating himself in his unconscious desire to be revenged on her , the believer can make do with an identification with a mythical son who has done just this ( the crucified Christ ) .
20 There is one who stands apart , dissociating himself from his companions .
21 Walter Carew had placed the painting of himself further down , dissociating himself from his weaker , lecherous , spendthrift brother .
22 My companion took this opportunity to hide himself in his papers .
23 But as soon as he had reminded himself of his motive , it rang as hollow to him as he felt sure it must to others .
24 But in the third and final part of his expectations , Pip redeems himself by his loyalty towards Magwitch and his attempt to make things up to Joe and Biddy and his pursuit of the truth .
25 Between 1925 and 1929 he devoted himself to his regenerative projects .
26 He retired from politics in 1895 , and devoted himself to his other two enthusiasms , religion and books .
27 ‘ He dedicated himself to his marriage and never once questioned his wife 's loyalty , ’ said Richard Henriques QC , defending .
28 Morgan , whom Engels followed , was once again basing himself on his studies of the Iroquois .
29 In particular , he urges his disciple not to become anxious about his failures and not to strain himself in his quest for perfection .
30 Finally , when he has taken in all the information he can assimilate , after a dramatic ‘ I will go ’ or after waking one morning knowing that the problem has solved itself in his sleep , he applies for his visa , resigns his job , packs his bags .
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