Example sentences of "[noun] often make [art] " in BNC.

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1 There has been an advantage in looking first at an exercise because its very ‘ task ’ orientation often makes the structure explicit , whereas in group drama one has often to look for it .
2 Science popularisers often make the same claim , dismissing the Sun as just a run-of-the-mill star .
3 Slim medium-sized birds of prey , with long , usually narrow wings and tail , long legs , not very stout bill , and wings pointed ( except Marsh Harrier ) , a ruff of feathers often making the face rounded and owl-like .
4 Beginners often make the mistake of looking down when they are moving from one position to another , thus breaking the cardinal first rule of combat , which is never to take your eyes off your opponent .
5 People often make the mistake of buying far too big a turkey , ’ she says .
6 Art histories often make an attempt to keep to chronology , although the difficulties include the crucial fact that in art there is no clear sequence of events .
7 Stories of her private life often made the headlines … they were all kept in carefully assembled scrapbooks .
8 A slap often makes the situation worse and the child 's cries louder while parents ' shouting only increases the general noise level .
9 Stress and hardship often make the gambler go .
10 This sort of task is very common in process control situations where the operator often makes a preliminary three-way decision corresponding to the worldwide system of red , amber and green traffic lights .
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