Example sentences of "[noun] few [noun] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 In addition few people believed that FDP officers could easily relinquish their former role .
2 In any case few statesmen grasped that there was a profound contradiction between the economic and the social policies being pursued by the government .
3 Further , although half were involved in general inspection few advisers wanted to spend more time on it ( again senior staff were the exception ) .
4 In the heat of the action few players had time to discuss their reactions and were kept clear of the press .
5 This was an important step towards a national health service , though in practice few authorities did much to modernize their facilities .
6 In practice few debtors went out , but the settlers were helped liberally with private and public funds administered by the charitable trust created to run the colony .
7 Such were the army , in which both George I and George II took a strong personal interest , and foreign policy , about which as a rule few ministers knew or cared very much .
8 Life may be easier there today , but when I was a child few people had cars and buses were infrequent .
9 In this storm of righteous indignation few commentators made the important but disheartening point that , except in moments of obvious crisis , the man in the street was as a rule little interested in foreign policy questions .
10 In those days few ministers thought it necessary to attend their own counts , and Baldwin had his vigil in the No. 10 secretaries ' room enlivened by the presence of Churchill : ‘ The P.M. [ sat ] with narrow slips of paper on which he inscribed the three lists as they arrived .
11 For 10 years few people knew anything about it .
12 Though the man in front of him looked human enough , he had the voiders in tow , and spoke with knowledge of things few humans had access to .
13 She nodded , and they set off again to find a Venice few tourists saw .
14 When international marketing first appeared as a distinct subject few writers described it by any title other than that .
15 Her father , Peter Few Brown said they 'd had a good visit .
16 Even with child the woman was incredibly lovely , a graceful creature with an aura of that unique beauty few women possessed .
17 However , on Kemp 's account few artists took notice of the philosophical , mathematical and scientific innovations of Descartes and Kepler .
18 But away from the cameras few people gave them much chance of a future together .
19 At that time few tourists went to Greece during the summer ; some goats wandered among the fallen pillars , the goat-herd dozed in the shade , otherwise I had the place to myself .
20 During that time few people left the village at night .
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