Example sentences of "[noun] during the three " in BNC.

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1 I did not hear as much as one single swear-word during the three games .
2 Robert Walerand , appointed Justice of the southern forests in 1256 , was Steward of the Household , and was sent to France on diplomatic missions several times during the three years in which he was head of the Forest administration .
3 A variety of news items were selected at different times during the three years of the survey .
4 In the past three months output has fallen by an annualised 10.8% from its level during the three previous months .
5 This grant is intended for maintenance during the three terms and the vacations at Christmas and Easter , but also includes some provision for books , travel , clothes and the like .
6 No one had taken any antacids , bismuth preparations , or other drugs to treat dyspepsia within the past year and nobody was taking antibiotics during the three months before the study .
7 A consideration of the movement of the partly-paid share prices of the ten privatised water companies during the three days after the issue shows the size of the gains made and supports the view that the companies were undervalued ( see Figure 3.2 ) .
8 Strangely enough , at no time did I have real doubts that I would be elected , and this determined my public attitude during the three successive ballots that were necessary .
9 The monthly tests were designed with the demands of the scholarship exam in mind but Alfie , with his severe special needs , did not achieve a single mark in any test during the three years .
10 As a result twenty-nine food ships — the organizing of which proved to be a good way of strengthening support , were sent to Republican Spain during the three years of the civil war .
11 All the reports agreed that there had been a gradual but marked increase in the intensity of activity on Krakatoa during the three days preceding the twenty-sixth .
12 Maynard 's and Ludbrook 's analysis of hospital revenues during the three years 1977–80 suggest that the most deprived regions ‘ have made substantial gains ’ at the expense of other regions .
13 Changes in weight and waist-hip ratio during the three year follow up period could have led to misclassification of women .
14 News Corp was further boosted by satellite television company BSkyB , which climbed out of the red during the three months .
15 Milner-Gibson had made nine solo landings in recces of the beaches during the three weeks before the raid , but on the night his boat 's compass proved faulty and others lost their way .
16 A FRIEND tells me of a post-electoral poster war which has broken out in his salubrious street in north Kensington , London , quite different in tone from the good-humoured gobbing on one another 's doorsteps which characterised neighbourly relations during the three weeks preceding the day that the revolution failed to dawn .
17 Delegate after delegate during the three day conference subsequently referred to his address to confess that the real world of the International Planning Manager was a totally different world from that perceived by politicians and their academic advisers .
18 I dunk , therefore I am The Chicago Bulls fired coach Doug Collins on Thursday , citing philosophical differences during the three years he headed the National Basketball Association club .
19 You are only resident in the hospital during the three day stints .
20 As a whole the argyrophil cell densities had been reduced by 22% during the three years in question .
21 There was a gradual rise during the NADOR years and a gradual decline during the three years since RIDDOR was introduced .
22 The course is under constant review and is planned flexibly to enable tutors to respond to the needs of particular groups of students , but the following three paragraphs itemise some of the particular emphases given to language during the three years .
23 This major display of maps and related map-making equipment not only aroused considerable public interest during the three months the exhibition was open , but also generated new links with individuals and institutions in Scotland and elsewhere .
24 Racing is held at York during six meetings from May to October with the biggest gathering during the three days august event .
25 However , should the excess fares and/or office allowance increase at any time during the three year period adjustments will be made .
26 What accountability rests on is that those particular representatives of the local authority have the opportunity to ask any question and have it answered at any time during the three hundred and sixty five days of the year in which we operate , and they are in a specially privileged position to challenge , or question , or talk about , or have answered — any particular point with regard to the work we 're involved with .
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