Example sentences of "[noun] ' [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 Nicholsons ' pubs for the most part are architectural gems in their own right and include The Blackfriar and The Argyll Arms in Central London and the Prince Alfred in Maida Vale amongst their number .
2 The Scots ' reputation for industry may be called into question if the results of a P-E International survey are to be believed
3 Thus only Taiwan from the Scots ' pool for the Murrayfield event will not be seen in the flesh , although Scotland 's sevens coaches , Douglas Morgan and John Jeffrey , will doubtless seek videotape of the tournament in Sicily last summer from which the Taiwanese qualified .
4 Insurers ' Requirements for High-Bay Warehouses
5 Agreement between ( the Insurers ) and ( the Society ) in relation to policies of insurance issued by the Insurers in the joint names of the Society and any of its borrowers on properties mortgaged to the Society and for which the Society does not act as the Insurers ' agent for the collection of premiums .
6 For the Webbs ' prescription for Socialism was ownership and control by the State or municipality of the means of production or provision , the control to be exercised in the general interest .
7 The motorhome will be the lucky winners ' base for the next two weeks , offering them freedom to go where they please to explore New Zealand 's unspoilt areas of breathtaking , natural beauty .
8 But such exposure has not satisfied Koons ' craving for fame .
9 As a result of the opening on 8 December , small shops ' trade for the day in the south midlands fell by 15 per cent .
10 Although the first revolt was crushed , Desmond Boal could still raise thirteen Unionist backbenchers ' signatures for the removal of O'Neill , and Lord Brookeborough , only three years after handing the premiership to O'Neill , was leading a whispering campaign against him .
11 They were n't hers and she knew there was always a danger in wanting other peoples ' things for oneself .
12 Yes , the good old US Fifties , where trade unionists got shot dead for striking in Detroit , where blacks got lynched by the Klan without hindrance in the South , and where Senator Joe McCarthy or FBI boss J. Edgar Hoover destroyed peoples ' lives for having beliefs contrary to their own .
13 Like affection , status relates to our feelings about other peoples ' feelings for us .
14 A and I think , I mean that has , that itself has had an effect on the , on the , on the f on peoples ' feelings for this area .
15 But I expect there will be copies of the same tune on paper and in peoples ' brains for centuries to come .
16 With the acquisition of like as a tool , the peoples ' capacity for thinking is enhanced .
17 It is of course difficult to appraise peoples ' motives for buying or selling derivative assets , so mere observation is insufficient .
18 The nine year-old collie cross was one of several ‘ patients ’ seen by the princess during a visit to the Peoples ' Dispensary for Sick Animals , Richmond Terrace , Liverpool .
19 The nine year-old collie cross was one of several ‘ patients ’ introduced to Her Royal Highness during a visit to the Peoples ' Dispensary for Sick Animals , Richmond Terrace , Liverpool .
20 On branches ' publicity for their courses and other events , he commented :
21 We gain little from minute attention to the manufacturers ' congratulations for our choice of car , or from the swearing-in in court , and , on a first reading of a novel , it may be more important to follow those parts which forward the plot than those which set the scene .
22 The Sicilian tyrants also look backwards to the archaic age of mainland Greece : Gelon 's appeal to the Syracusan populace is demagogy of a kind that recalls Pisistratus , as does Dionysius ' demand for a bodyguard .
23 She 'd done it the night before when she 'd tried to get hold of Jessica , but Aunt Jane had turned the radio up so loudly ( to make it nice and private for her niece ) that she 'd hardly been able to decipher Mrs Roberts ' apology for her daughter 's absence .
24 LIVERPOOL 'S David Matthews has replaced Fred Howard on England 's three-man referees ' panel for the Five Nations ' Championship .
25 These schools ' systems for monitoring attendance were discussed and observed .
26 Compacts however have certain expectations of participating organisations : a ) they should provide good Work Experience places , and allow students to make wide-ranging investigations which will include questions concerning trade unions ; b ) they should offer permanent jobs with good quality training and prospects ; c ) they should , as far as possible , co-operate with schools ' requests for curriculum and in-service training support .
27 Sinead Dudgeon , the Scottish senior indoor 200m champion , spearheads Scotland 's schools ' team for Saturday 's challenge match against Scotland , Northern Ireland , Scottish Universities and English Universities at Glasgow 's Kelvin Hall .
28 candidates ' plans for progression
29 Because the presentation of results in lucid and effective language is so important , the qualifying examinations of many professional bodies explore candidates ' aptitude for this and some employers ( the Civil Service , for example ) use similar tests in the screening of job applicants .
30 Non-enrollers ' reasons for not doing the courses
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