Example sentences of "[noun] house in the " in BNC.

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1 The restaurant was packed , Saturday evenings always fully booked at The Magpie , the best eating house in the small commuter town twenty-one miles north of London .
2 Alternatively the story of how the Robartes family came to have the money to build Lanhydrock House in the Fowey valley could be considered a tale of blatant exploitation , outrageous usury and greed .
3 Beautiful , medieval , moated manor house in the heart of the Kentish Weald .
4 Offering the meagre purse of local gossip , news from Buttermere , Nicholson spoke about Mr Skelton 's plans for building a large stone manor house in the area ; dwelt longingly on the prospect of Miss Skelton and said something about the wrestling which included a mention of Mary of Buttermere and a young man from the north of the county walking thirty or forty miles just to see her and make his feelings known to her .
5 The trustees of a charity which was left a manor house in the will of a wealthy widow have defended their decision to sell it .
6 Triumphant in this latest development in his career has bought a manor house in the area .
7 But the bloody vendetta will reach far beyond Sicily ; to a manor house in the English countryside , and to the gangster-run Chicago of the 1920's .
8 Since its conversion to a dwelling house in the late 19th century its impressive list of distinguished tenants has included Bertrand Russell the mathematician and philosopher and Henry Morris , founder of the famous system of Village Colleges still in use throughout the county .
9 For reasons which are not stated the legislature in 1988 made it essential for a successor to live in the dwelling house during the period of six months but did not amend the Act of 1985 so as to impose either a six months ' period or residence in a particular dwelling house in the case of a council house .
10 A few days later his body was found at his council house in the Oxfordshire hamlet of Russell 's Water near Henley .
11 An even harder-hitting report from the National Association of Citizen 's Advice Bureaux claimed that for every council house in the country there are ten people on the waiting lists .
12 Bracken House in the City of London .
13 The three , Kevin Woods , Barry Bawden and Michael Smith , were all members of the ( pre-independence ) Rhodesian Army , and two of them had already been sentenced to death for the car-bomb killing in January 1988 of a Zimbabwean driver at an ANC house in the south-western town of Bulawayo ( in which Barry Bawden 's brother Kit Bawden was also implicated — see p. 36415 ) .
14 We 're told , we 're told though in the report for Au for August that we 've got so many vacancies here , if we look at Nuffield House in the August report there was fourteen , but we 're only just refilling it again after closing it .
15 He ended by building his dream house in the cosy lee of a gentle hill and away from the roar of the sea .
16 A multi-millionairess with a fortune estimated at more than £10 million , a property tycoon in Australia where she was spending a fortune renovating her latest acquisition , a mammoth Victorian town house in the Melbourne suburbs , a singer poised to come of age with a backing band of her own and a world tour — the hologramic face of high technology in Japan , how could she ever again have been expected to have slipped into oily dungarees to tinker with the engine of a Land Rover ?
17 A detached two- bedroomed town house in the capital Wellington went for £18,500 .
18 Pallant House , an elegant eighteenth-century red brick town house in the centre of Chichester , will be holding the following exhibitions in 1993 : 6 February to 3 April ‘ John Piper and the Stage ’ , focusing on his close association with Chichester Cathedral ; 20 April to 12 June ‘ Ivon Hitchins 's Nudes ’ , commemorating the centenary year of the artist 's birth ; 29 June to 18 September ‘ Henry Moore and the Sea ’ , includes drawings , sculptures , models and graphics ; 5 October to 1 January 1994 ‘ The Patronage of Contemporary Artists ’ , modern British art from private collections .
19 Cotton 's nephew William or ‘ son ’ as he called him ( for he had no children ) , was a close friend of Doctor Livingstone , who was brought to stay at Forest House in the 1860s .
20 Its most famous eating houses are Simpsons Tavern and The Jamaica Wine House in the City of London .
21 saw Syon House in the distance ,
22 Nick Webb , for Simon & Schuster and Pocket , has secured two books by Ridley Pearson with a bid of £93,500 at an auction conducted by Carole Blake of Blake Friedmann for Writers House in the US .
23 There are references to a dye house in the Norton area and it is rumoured that the mill was involved in some way with this .
24 The Harthover Place of the story is believed to be Malham Tarn House in the limestone country of Craven .
25 I visited the local Oxfordshire set ups , that 's Williams , Benneton and Leyton House in the last couple of weeks , and all of them say ‘ Eddy 's got a good car , a good chassis , a good engine and he 's got good finance ’ , and they expect him to be right up there with the big names from the start .
26 The Italian was soon traced , as his parents had a boarding house in the town .
27 Mrs Tibbs 's boarding house in the first of the tales is characteristic , although it is not Dickens at his later best :
28 Here is Munby 's description of Hannah when she was working as a servant in a Margate boarding house in the early 1860s :
29 He was standing with his back to the fire , thinking how much less pleasant it would be in some seaside hotel or boarding house in the off-season .
30 Willis was much more cheerful and said it reminded him of a boarding house in the old days . "
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