Example sentences of "[noun] thought [that] the " in BNC.

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1 In April 1861 even the head of the Third Department thought that the regime would be forced to grant a constitution , but he added that " not only would the emperor not make up his mind to assent to the gradual introduction of constitutional forms , but he had even spoken out firmly against it very recently and had evidently not changed his mind on the question " .
2 The DUP and Vanguard had intended to boycott the local elections , saving their effort for the more important Assembly elections , but activists in both parties thought that the earlier contest should be fought , if only to make use of the free publicity that would be created and to have the advantages of a trial run and an early opportunity to canvass for the more important second elections .
3 On this occasion Beaton thought that the movie would join the list of those that had ‘ paralyzed the box office ’ because Vidor had been forced by United Artists to film Elmer Rice 's stage play on a very confined studio set , the implication being that this movie of gossip , family disagreements , sidewalk philosophy , and sociological theorizing needed a more realistic and expansive setting .
4 But traders thought that the full 280,000 tonnes might be delivered , squeezing prices acutely .
5 The reviewer thought that the film deserved ‘ the highest commendation ’ .
6 Second , the fact that the defendant thought that the land was his own will not be a defence ( Smith v Stone ( 1647 ) Sty 65 ) .
7 The English Review thought that the ‘ sun of England seems menaced by final eclipse ’ .
8 In some patients Freud thought that the unconscious system was not under sufficient control by the conscious and preconscious systems , and that the patient was therefore a potential danger to himself or others .
9 Freud thought that the need for a long period of education for young men and women in the ‘ civilized ’ sections of modern societies was linked with the development of neurotic illness because of the deferment of sexual gratification necessary while education took place .
10 Freud thought that the masses were lazy , and did not want to impose the instinctual renunciations necessary for civilization on themselves .
11 Dr Neil thought that the way she occasionally trod on phrases when she spoke was charming rather than irritating , given that it enlivened and illuminated her forthright nature .
12 Bono tells me that before Ireland received TOTP fans flocking to the dance halls thought that the showbands actually were Slade , Sweet , Mud …
13 The boss thought that the flow of cash ( not to mention knowledge and culture ) went all one way — from ‘ us ’ to ‘ them ’ .
14 According to a survey conducted for the BBC in April 1974 by Professor Richard Rose , sixty-nine per cent of the people of Northern Ireland thought that the executive should be given a chance to govern but this finding was contradicted by the results of a general election two months earlier and may reflect the general tendency of survey respondents to make statements in response to poll questions which are more moderate than their real views .
15 Touche Ross thought that the requirement was appropriate in relation to partnerships , but recommended that it should apply only to cheques made out for an amount greater than a specified sum — a suggestion also made by a number of others .
16 But it was still ‘ very much incredible prospect ’ , as Richardson put it ; and Reynolds thought that the mention in the same memo of Colonel Ghadaffi 's attempt to buy the hostages was just as interesting as what might have gone to the contras .
17 Yolland thought that the only action needed was to cut down some of the trees in a young plantation in order to give people riding or driving on the turnpike a good view of an advancing train in the cutting .
18 The judges thought that the police anticipation of a breach of the peace was reasonable because there had been a ‘ disturbance ’ after a similar meeting addressed by Mrs Duncan — fourteen months before .
19 If foreign bankers thought that the UK was not serious about balancing its books at some future time , they would be reluctant to lend their money at low interest .
20 The same proportion thought that the feedback had not been very useful or of no use at all .
21 Rachaela thought that the mistake her own mother had made was in her brainwashed attempts to care for and become involved with a child she did not want .
22 Sir Henry Cole thought that the answer to the problem was simple : Scott should remodel his proposals on the lines of Inigo Jones ' scheme for Whitehall Palace , and eventually Street asked in The Builder what was to be gained from changing the architect ; a Gothic building was appropriate , and Scott should be allowed to get on with the work .
23 If the judge thought that the remark was wrong or even unprofessional he should have asked the jury to leave court and dealt with the matter by perhaps a reprimand or a verbal rap over the knuckles , followed by sensible discussion as to what should be done .
24 In the latter case the judge thought that the term " services " had been too narrowly construed in the past and that allowance should be made for the fact that a wife and mother does not work set hours and that she is in constant attendance on the home .
25 If the main leak could be concealed by showing only at low tide , Willis thought that the equally serious problem of rain — for the weatherboards were particularly weak in one place — could be solved if he stood directly under the drip , wearing a sort of broad waterproof hat .
26 The author of the Saturday article thought that the chances of the four schemes being selected for detailed examination were very remote and was probably surprised when the judges awarded prizes to all four , albeit rather low prizes .
27 At one time in the last century , a real-life counterpart of Arthur Conan Doyle 's Professor Challenger thought that the ‘ globigerina ooze ’ at the bottom of the sea was pure protoplasm .
28 At first they refused ; the Shah thought that the Americans were using Sadat to get him out of the country .
29 The Labour movement and many in the Jewish community thought that the government , police and Jewish leaders were far too passive in their policy of ignoring Mosley .
30 The watchers thought that the Silver Birches would certainly be a bit wild and probably without any moral sense at all and Clumhach thought he must remember to tell everyone about his great uncle who had succumbed to a Silver Birch one scandalous afternoon .
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