Example sentences of "[noun] again as [art] " in BNC.

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1 They have these enormous canine teeth again stabbing each other and the thick blubber round the neck again as a defence and if the canines go in they go into the blubber and not to arteries and stuff like that .
2 Also , it was argued , the club 's annual report , for which Mr Gillespie again as a director was responsible , pointed out under the heading : ‘ Directors and their interests , ’ that his shares were subject to an option to MIH .
3 A few people sat on the floor ( no chairs in the drama studio ) and jumped straight to their feet again as an outbreak of jeering laughter told them that they 'd got it wrong .
4 A similar banality in 2010 is unrelieved by Kubrick 's wicked irony , but is partly concealed by the excellent acting of Scheider , Mirren , Balaban , Lithgow , Baskin , and , of course , Douglas Rain again as the voice of HAL — he alone had escaped from Kubrick 's anti — acting regime in 2001 , to become the only character that anyone cares about or indeed remembers .
5 Tommy took charge again as the lads of Number Eleven Platoon lurched from pub to pub becoming drunker and drunker , before finally ending up in their established local , the Volunteer , on Leith Walk .
6 Eckford started up in business again as a shipbuilder and soon re-established his high reputation .
7 Whereas a woman who dies before her husband is considered to have made a good death and her body is decked in a married woman 's finery , one who survives her husband is somehow always blamed for his death and must never put on finery again as a penance .
8 God , he was so gorgeous … her hands were moving on to his strong thoat , thrusting into his black hair , she was losing her head again as the kiss deepened and she heard him give a low growl of harsh excitement , his mouth increasing the pressure until Rachel was obliterated by him , dazed , clutching him with shaking hands , gasping hoarsely against his mouth , feeling his strong hands move swiftly up to her breasts to stroke her nipples and force a long hoarse cry of exquisite desire from her .
9 And Dalglish must have gone into shock again as the side who have so far swept all before them suddenly surrendered their 100 per cent home record .
10 He shook his head , forgetting the idea and looking at Sara again as the train stopped in the station .
11 A FORMER shipyard site which used to support hundreds of jobs will soon provide employment again as a result of a major redevelopment scheme by a Government agency .
12 Operating profit for the year fell to £2,450m from £3,400m last year again as a result of redundancy charges .
13 She ( and occasionally he ) is seen by some as an unnecessary interference in the realm of the doctor , by others as a monitor to assess clients ' suitability for treatment , and by others again as a provider of information about treatment , advice about choices and generally to be a shoulder to cry on .
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