Example sentences of "[noun] again by [art] " in BNC.

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1 Stay put as you will change your mind again by the end of the month !
2 It was forced to look at the issue again by the introduction of new legislation .
3 Through the spinney of her fingers she saw Leon Kennedy standing again by the fire watching her .
4 I did n't have any more whiskey as I needed to think , so I made even more tea and settled on the chair again by the fire , lit a cigarette and started to work my way through the file again .
5 This spirit can only travel in a straight line , so when it slides down the roof in the hope of gaining entry to a house , it will be swept up in the air again by the curving gable .
6 Rolling out , he wriggled his way across the dry sand , all churned up with trippers ' footprints , out to the firm , wet sand made smooth and level again by the tide .
7 Nevertheless , despite all the money flowing in from concerts , pupils and publications , Mozart was indeed in debt again by the year 's end and was having to beg a loan from his publisher Franz Anton Hoffmeister — for whom his next string quartet , K. 499 ( the ‘ Hoffmeister ’ ) , was written , perhaps in gratitude .
8 Champions Marchwiel , heading the table again by a point , expect to be unchanged for their visit to Mold who are on a high after two welcome wins last weekend .
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