Example sentences of "[noun] said that if " in BNC.

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1 the end cha , the end of the chapter said that if parents were to re-take on the role of educating and disciplining children within the home
2 When they realised that our combined ages was nudging 150 years , one wag said that if he reached our age he would settle for soloing over a stile !
3 Greenpeace executive director Lord Melchett said that if the government gave the go-ahead without calling a public inquiry , Greenpeace would return to the courts to seek a second judicial review " with our right to do so already established " .
4 Dr Robert Woodward of Contassium said that if the authorities wanted to withdraw B17 they would ‘ have to ban marzipan ; you can get the equivalent of a 25 mg tablet of B17 by eating 20 almonds , ’ he said .
5 The President said that if the United States and Pakistan were really serious in wishing to settle the Afghan problem they should acknowledge the new reality in Afghanistan , where seven months after the departure of Soviet troops the PDPA had become more united and strengthened , while the guerrillas were in total disarray .
6 Divisional manager Graham Chadwick said that if the 14 beds in the district hospital closed , there would be a need for five additional beds and a maternity suite at the Chest Hospital to meet demand between now and the turn of the century .
7 After spending some time with the injured fan , Baggio said that if there was any violence during last Sunday 's game between the same two sides he would ask to be substituted .
8 Rejecting that conclusion , the Scottish Court of Session said that if the unfavourable treatment included a significant sexual element to which a person of the opposite sex would not have been vulnerable , that amounted to discrimination .
9 Section 28 varies the decision in Leachinsky in that Lord Simon said that if the facts were obvious , if , for example the suspect has been caught red handed , it was not necessary to inform him why he had been arrested .
10 Well Karen said that if I won the competition she 'd ring back .
11 Observers said that if the Nasir faction had indeed taken Malakal , this was a major setback for the government in its campaign to hold the south , since the town had contained a substantial arsenal of weapons .
12 In his summing up Lord Griffiths said that if a family had lost its right to priority treatment through intentional homelessness , the parents could not achieve the same result ‘ through the back door ’ by applying in the name of a dependent child .
13 Comrade Stokes said that if we took no action the Progressive Party would .
14 ‘ My husband said that if we got 50 per cent back it would be something but this is very good news , ’ said Mrs Lee .
15 Dr. Kumar said that if Labour was elected , pensions and child benefit would be increased immediately and he promised more investment in the rural development commission .
16 It is however believed that the Divisional Court said that if the only consideration for a payment by the client was a disbursement by his solicitor , different considerations might apply .
17 In Re Hammond & Waterton ( 1890 ) 62 LT 808 the court said that if a building dispute were referred to an umpire who was a barrister the procedure would be more likely to be an arbitration , and that if the umpire were a quantity surveyor it would be more likely to be a valuation .
18 She relented and the god said that if she sacrificed a chicken at the Bāhan shrine on top of the hill , that god would exorcize her evil .
19 Mr Bland said that if LWT manages to retain its franchise , the new shares will be worth three times as much as they are now .
20 In his veto message Bush said that if China was presented with such an ultimatum " the result will be weakened ties to the West and further repression " .
21 When he saw the saxaphone he told his father about it and his father said that if he could save half the money , he would make up the other half . ’
22 Similarly Lord Scarman said that if the dispute were connected with one of the matters referred to in the statute ( for example , terms and conditions of employment ) then ‘ it is a trade dispute , and it is immaterial whether the dispute also relates to other matters or has an extraneous , e.g. political or personal , motive .
23 De Sade said that if one wants to know about death one should look at sexual excitement .
24 The South Africans said that if the guerrillas surrendered and handed over their weapons , they would get safe conduct back to Angola .
25 Mr Justice Cooke said that if receivers went beyond the point where they had completed their duties , they might be liable to account as trespassers .
26 Mr Justice Cooke said that if a receiver failed to terminate a receivership although he had funds that would have achieved just that , then he should be treated as if his authority had ceased .
27 After listening to Mr Lightman 's allegations , Lord Donaldson said that if Mr Oliver 's affidavit was to be believed then The Mail on Sunday had acted in ‘ a wholly hypocritical way . ’
28 Sara said that if they could n't do better than last year 's holiday , a caravan in the rain in West Wales , then it was n't worth bothering …
29 The Secretary of State said that if the majority of Members elected from Scotland were Scottish National party Members , the Government would regard that as a vote for independence and accept it .
30 The Government said that if we worked hard and trimmed down we would survive .
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