Example sentences of "[noun] said [that] he " in BNC.

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1 A young soldier said that he had a warrant to search the house .
2 The right hon. Member for Chingford said that he can not go along with the negotiations at Maastricht because he wants to protect Britain from ’ rabid dogs and dictators ’ — some might say from himself .
3 The man standing by my side said that he had seen them behind the terminal .
4 In press interviews on April 12 and 14 Mitterrand said that he was not among those who agreed with demands for a Kurdish state .
5 Dr Tydeman said that he had only once seen a patient suffering from the condition and he found it particularly frightening and disturbing .
6 Dr Tydeman said that he had managed to persuade medical companies to donate £15,000 of equipment so far , and he was expecting double that amount to follow .
7 Mr Maitland said that he does not expect to receive any proceeds from the liquidation .
8 Based upon his evaluation of the Senior Management Team conduct of assemblies , the Head of Department said that he would take any criticism of teaching skills very much to heart if it came from the DHS .
9 Concerning videotapes , the Head of Department said that he only held two which were shared with another department ( i.e. were constantly reused ) and that he could not afford to build up a library of them .
10 The Head of Department said that he was concerned that the recommendations for action by the Senior Management Team would be overlooked as a result of their going on to review the Maths department , ‘ which has 15 teachers ’ .
11 Orton said that he himself enjoyed his own company .
12 R said that he did not really know F beforehand but had seen him and his brothers once before when someone had told him who F was .
13 Cheney said that he had dismissed Dugan , who had held his command for only three months , because he had violated standing orders on the public discussion of military operations and had showed " poor judgment at a sensitive time " .
14 Little Mrs Hunnard stayed behind at The Towers , resting , while Mr Johnstone said that he did not shoot and would prefer a country walk .
15 Addressing a crowd of 25,000 in a black township near Johannesburg , Mandela said that he could " no longer explain to our people why we want to talk to a regime which is murdering our people " .
16 Peter Christie of Midland Montagu said that he would always take a separate commercial decision on each assignment , according to fees quoted .
17 My dad said he 'd buy me a ticket to fly back to England and David said that he 'd pay him back because he 'd be very happy if I could come back and help him as he did n't really know how to deal with his mother 's grief .
18 Well erm David said that he did n't think the strike would have gone on or they would n't have the heart to go on without the women ?
19 The witness said that he had not been present at the meeting and had agreed that what was said then would not be recorded .
20 She swam and sunbathed , went sightseeing , worked on her designs , talked brightly on the phone with Lucy , or Dad or Charles whenever they rang her , forcing herself not to ask whether Guy had moved in on the firm yet , and then wincing when Lucy said that he 'd made his mark in a dramatic emergency board meeting , put up the backs of most of the board of directors when he announced sweeping measures to increase profitability , cut overheads …
21 Responding to Bush 's announcement , Shevardnadze said that he appreciated US support for " the processes taking place in our country " and understood that Bush 's decision to suspend the Jackson-Vanik Amendment had not been " simple " .
22 One corporate lawyer said that he went along with producing false insurance policies without thinking anything of it , ‘ It was something the company needed done , that 's all ’ .
23 My right hon. and learned Friend said that he would do all that he could to resist those directives .
24 Erm er I was concerned when my Noble Friend said that he 'd looked up Hallsbury but that it did n't contain the right words , er er I rather wonder whether he looked up so to speak the right version or the last version .
25 Finally Ramsey said that he would respond to any invitation provided that it had a consensus of advice behind it , and provided he was sure that the need for strength in the North was considered .
26 Prof McVie said that he expected drugs to counter rogue genes could be available within seven years .
27 After Orton 's return , Ken said that he ‘ dropped my facade ’ .
28 Ken said that he found Orton to be ‘ the most marvellous counsellor .
29 Bello Bouba said that he was returning to join his " fellow countrymen who are struggling for the institution of a real democracy " .
30 Jeremiah experienced God as a pain that invaded his every limb , and Muhammad said that he never received a revelation without feeling that his soul was being torn from his body .
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