Example sentences of "[noun] out from [art] " in BNC.

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1 She 's stan really sa of stands out from the the background .
2 Burning of the Dicranopteris , which acts as a nutrient-conservation system , leads to its shooting out from the rhizomes but trees can not get established .
3 Hunter observed that ‘ … the whole viscera when all the Blood is press 'd out goes into a very little bulk , even the Liver will lose vastly of its bulk and in short the whole viscera will come into a small compass when they are well clean 'd and put into dry cloths ; you are then to go to the trunk of the Body and empty it of Blood as well as you can and press the Blood out from the Face , Hands , etc. as well as Arms , and the more Blood is pressed out the better ’ .
4 The axon of the cell is the fibre that carries signals out from the cell body to the dendrites of other nerve cells .
5 ‘ I am convinced that we need to push the British disarmament boat out from the shore .
6 Larry have you got any books out from the library ?
7 Picking the feet out from the same side can save valuable seconds .
8 ‘ His underlying motive is that he wants to change the world , not so he can manage it , but so that he can make it a different place , ’ explains Charles Handy , who picked Gould out from a handful of students at the London Business School ‘ because he stood out in a group of people as by far the most interesting , and that was because he was determined to have control over his life ’ .
9 She had to face the fact that Phoebe was not , not then and not at any time , going to pull Maggie out from the night-time and into the daylight of loving and needing .
10 Er Madam Speaker , I I agree with er the honourable gentleman that it 's extremely important that the various agencies do play a part in working together to ensure effective action with minimum bureaucracy and I know that the honourable gentleman has been anxious to ensure that that happens in his own constituency and his own area where he is dealing with the problems of high unemployment er and the fall out from the closures of pits in his area and if the honourable gentleman has any specific er er measures which he would like us to look at then I 'd be very happy to consider those .
11 The fall out from the downturn in the Lloyds insurance marketr now appears to be hitting hard across the region .
12 God knows how much there still is down there ; I 've seen great stacks and bales of it still with the Royal Navy markings on it , and I 've dreamed up any number of ways of getting at it , but short of tunnelling in from the shed and taking the cordite out from the back , so that the bales looked untouched from the inside of the cellar , I do n't see how I could do it .
13 The longstanding drift of people to the south is now less important than the movement of population out from the cities to surrounding smaller towns and to rural areas .
14 It felt like somebody was trying to poke his eye out from the inside with a pencil .
15 They knew that palladium soaks up deuterium ( a form of hydrogen found in heavy water ) like a sponge soaks up water , an electrical current from a battery forcing the deuterium atoms out from a solution of heavy water and into the spaces between the palladium atoms .
16 His head jerked round and he was just in time to see the pack stream out from the bushes only thirty yards away , noses still glued to the invisible trail they were following , and lope swiftly towards the house .
17 The Botallack mine , with its nineteenth-century engine houses spectacularly sited on the cliffs , mined tin from beneath the sea-bed , with galleries going a third of a mile out from the shore , and the Levant mine had men working 2,000 feet below sea level .
18 but erm , we never used to get the new rates of grants and the new regulations out from the erm Ministry until oh early June and all this work had to be done , erm , obviously before the
19 ‘ You 're not to worry about a thing , Rachaela , ’ she must have found the name out from a nurse .
20 Poking his head out from the cab , to get a little cooling draught , he noticed that they were about to enter a long deep cutting and marvelled at the way the cutting must have been cut through almost solid rock .
21 Then he poked his head out from the covers to listen .
22 Beyond the immediate punishment of casting Adam out from the garden of Eden or Cain from human society , beyond the destruction of the flood and the scattering of the nations , there was always God 's ultimate intention for man 's well-being and blessing .
23 If speed 3 is selected it literally blows the water out from the spray bar and would turn the vat contents over at least 12 times an hour .
24 Southend was once the ideal place for a day out from the East End .
25 Morpurgo pulled the end of the tie out from the boiler suit and stared down at it , frowning in puzzlement .
26 ‘ We must do this more often , Rose , ’ he said as he backed the Ford out from the ornamental cannon .
27 If you are working as an in-house PRO it is usually quite easy to arrange to send sample products out from the factory or workshop .
28 She said , you know erm , I ca n't get any money out from the bank .
29 He certainly does tend to separate new techniques and technologies out from the total matrix of forces playing on production and reproduction , and to exaggerate their as it were naked power ; and he does underestimate the capacity of the capitalist media industries to channel the use made of them to suit their own interests , nullifying radical potential .
30 Slice the top off and scoop a bit out from the middle .
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