Example sentences of "[noun] up and [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She picked Mo up and he dived inside the neck of her dress , scratching her , and then lying quiet in the place he liked best , curled just above her waist and held securely by her belt .
2 and anyway she rang David up and she said , she did n't say it were for Bet but she said she wanted another two hundred pounds
3 She picked four kids up and you know right at end here where it 's that criss-cross ?
4 ‘ They will have their tails up and I do n't think we could be going there at a harder time .
5 And erm at the end of the week she 'll come and pick it up , pick the tape up and they give you a voucher for twenty five pounds for Marks 's for doing it .
6 I said bye then see you sometime , bye and I put the phone down , and she said what does she want then and I said oh she wanted to know where , you know she 'd gone and I said oh I have n't seen her all week you know after , while we was hanging , she was hanging pictures , erm , she come through , she said oh they look wonderful she said I 've got pictures she said , I want my mountain put up in my lounge , with that June burst out laughing , Neil went through and he , he put her pictures up and he was gone there , he said , god he said , you know literally it 's a day to hang pictures , I said well do n't worry about it , you know , that 's what he said to do
7 Pig iron you know er pig iron was what they had I 've seen them pouring furnaces pouring it onto the pig beds , and you know when I was a kid when we lived in Caldmore from about half past nine at night all across West Bromwich , Wednesbury all over that area , you 'd see the sky light up and it was due to the pouring of er pouring the pig iron .
8 pass my handbag up and I 'll give you that money for the cat food .
9 The hotel is ideal for mountain and country walking , situated some 5200 feet up and we recommend guests bring strong walking shoes and something warm for the cooler evenings .
10 Until then , he 's putting his feet up and who 'd blame him ?
11 He , he found out cos he went for , to , for a check up and they took his blood pressure .
12 And er I 've got to go back next week for a sort of check up and I mean I suppose that 'll continue for weeks to come .
13 And we tidied those areas up and we went round and said right , the people with the problem areas , take 'em round and show them .
14 I 'll do a , I 'll do a draft letter this afternoon , you can have a look at it , erm we 'll knock a plan up and her get the addresses and then that 's it 's easy then in n it ?
15 I 'll go up and pick the bones up and it 'll be alright .
16 apparently he went , he went round telling everybody erm he was doing a live exercise and he got singed or something but this , this erm , its Browndown on the South Coast and it was , it was a Christ it was a Christmas piss up , regiment Christmas piss up and anything goes , as long as you do n't physically hurt somebody , although that has been known to happen and its not criminal anything goes right , but honestly the worse you do to somebody the worse they do back to you , and people are getting tied bollock naked up the flag poles , dumped in bins , erm , tied in their beds , put out in the middle of the parade ground , fucking all sorts of things you know , like what we can do , the most common thing is nicking , you know the old walking pay slips they 've got
17 Got all this stuff to type up and I 'd forgotten my typewriter .
18 Like when we opened opened a ninety Z up and we could n't open that face up , it was hell .
19 Till we got bands up and it was just a a fiddle
20 I mean having to come upstairs before you even get into the house is n't very good either , cos I mean with kids you 've got to carry the pushchairs up and everything and carry kids up and carry all your shopping up , it 's not , it 's not very practical having them upstairs .
21 Wolsey sent the fellow down to escort these strange guests up and we just sat watching the door .
22 His change of bank with the same g sends his nose up and he climbs into a barrel roll .
23 it 's all in the price there , because this is what you actually get very often , you 're ringing some places up and they 'll say , oh but you you had VAT through this week .
24 plants up and everything for our normal you know , rock nights , I mean we just have the wrought iron up and whatever , but
25 Yes he 's built a business up and I 'm not denying him that er or anything at all , But somehow now er I do n't know whether the wheel is turning too fast for him to co keep up with it or whether it 's erm oh never mind the erm the industry of the locality , providing the money stakes a I know every business has got to pay for itself and that we we 're not , If this quarry was on the down grade and er er somebody had come to us said , look unless you take a drop in your wages er we ca n't survive that would be a different issue altogether .
26 They had pulled the rails up and there was an expanse of cindery ground suitable for a school .
27 It had just one room up and one down , big enough only for two people to live in .
28 its er about four feet long and it stands about two feet high , it 's on legs , it takes quite a lot of room up and we need the space .
29 ‘ I tried to stay but they said they were paying my contract up and I had no option .
30 I 've seen you with your hair up and your hair down , " Eva had an instant answer : You be careful , my girl .
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