Example sentences of "[noun] who [verb] not " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Most of them are 16-year-old Kiwis who have n't an idea how to pull a decent pint of Guinness . ’
2 Trainer David Elsworth said : ‘ He won for me first time last season and perhaps he is a horse who does n't want running too often . ’
3 Howard Wilkinson 's team were victims of an inspired performance by a Manchester City side who had not scored in four previous outings .
4 In Group A , Sampdoria will qualify if they win at home against a Panathinaikos side who have not scored a goal in their five previous matches .
5 At least in the youth game the referee has a very clear directive as to who should be awarded the put-in ; the side who did not take it into ruck or maul .
6 It 's just the old school tie brigade who do n't like the idea
7 Even music fans who have n't dirtied their hands in their lives adore Bruce Springsteen for being America 's earnest , sincere , blue-collar rock ‘ n ’ roll conscience in a tatty , checked shirt .
8 THOSE Millwall fans who did n't manage to rip up a piece of turf during the chaotic farewell scenes at The Den the other week will be glad to know they 'll have the chance to pick up some of the sacred turf next week in a special auction .
9 The second is that drivers like to retain at least one common link with those fans who do n't have private jets , Boss jeans , impossibly lithe blondes etc .
10 I ca n't understand how they can neglect their many fans who do n't live in London .
11 I ca n't understand how they can neglect their many fans who do n't live in London .
12 which was we do n't know who won we do n't know what the score was but we think that but we 're , we 're assuming that that 's because they bring out all their secret showmen who do n't sh travel they have a little core , hard core of that do n't travel but they , they bring them out
13 The unfortunate result is that farmers , angered by the attitude of the careless few , block footpaths or refuse access to such places as the dry valley of Gordale Beck to the many considerate walkers who respect not only the countryside but also the problems of the working community who for centuries have fought to make a living from the land .
14 In both cases people who were directly or indirectly implicated in racial harassment were asked to reflect on their actions and attitudes by an outsider who did not share their views ; moreover , as a researcher I was concerned to elicit evidence about racist assumptions or practices which as an educator I was also concerned to challenge .
15 The point is , to an outsider who did n't know better , your actions could appear vindictive . ’
16 Altogether she followed up 345 white American children who had been referred to the child guidance clinic for anti-social behaviour , 130 other referrals and 100 individuals who had attended neighbouring elementary schools who had not been referred for any specialist help , and who therefore provided a comparison group .
17 The defendant who had not " examined " , in the sense of personally inspected , the offending items might nonetheless be given reasonable cause to suspect obscenity by clandestine or unorthodox behaviour on the part of his supplier .
18 A defendant who does not believe in consent could either be one who fleetingly turns his mind to the issue of consent but since he is indifferent to the matter forms no view at all or one whose indifference is such that he entirely fails to think about it in the first place .
19 When a writ of summons or an equivalent document had to be transmitted abroad for the purpose of service , under the provisions of the present Convention , and a judgment has been entered against a defendant who has not appeared , the judge shall have the power to relieve the defendant from the effects of the expiration of the time for appeal from the judgment if the following conditions are fulfilled —
20 That means that the British Government could , as it did in September 1988 , simply decree that the courts can take a negative view of any defendant who chooses not to co-operate with the police , or take the stand in his or her own defence , as in the changes in the right to silence rules .
21 It does complain that the tabloids put the fear of tax increases into readers who had not been targeted by Smith 's budget .
22 It is worth describing it at such length so that readers who have not read Tolkien 's ‘ minor ’ works might develop some idea of Lewis 's importance as Tolkien 's ‘ onlie begetter ’ or ‘ miglior fabbro ’ , for there can be very little doubt that it was Lewis 's friendship and encouragement which led Tolkien to write the works which made his name with the public ; just as it was Tolkien 's friendship which released in Lewis wells of creativity which had remained ( though he was so naturally fluent ) mysteriously dry .
23 Readers who have not been following the series are advised to read Part 6 ( April , 1992 ) issue ) .
24 Certain forms of writing , such as academic articles , extend this even further and writers are required to develop skills in explicitness , and in being aware of hidden assumptions , so that readers who have not directly had the writer 's experience may understand it .
25 I urge all your readers who have not already discovered it , to play this piece again and again .
26 I think it 's great and I have every sympathy for you copping all the flak from the readers who do n't like it .
27 For readers who do n't manage to obtain a copy , I suggest a search and research trip along ‘ route twenty-nine ’ : the Hexham-Alston road .
28 Although this means that the essay has , indeed , become rather bulky , it does enable one to communicate the nuances of people 's arguments , which can be especially useful for those readers who do not have easy access to the primary documents quoted .
29 Having said that , it has to be admitted that there are readers who do not ‘ connect ’ with some of the ‘ best ’ books .
30 For example , readers who do not possess a pet would never include pet food among the essentials , whereas a dog or cat owner unquestionably would .
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