Example sentences of "[noun] can do it " in BNC.

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1 But Wilkinson is convinced his in-form side can do it .
2 If this is so , and the missionaries can do it , then why are there so many religious disputes .
3 ‘ I just hope the lads can do it tonight whoever is in goal . ’
4 ‘ I just hope the lads can do it tonight whoever is in goal . ’
5 Over eating can do it ca n't it ?
6 But you can soften the blow by telling his Dad that none of the other dads can do it either .
7 Ieuan Evans argued Scotland can do it ‘ if the pack in particular perform as they did ’ , while his fellow captain , Hastings , predicted ; ‘ The victory , if it comes , will be dedicated to Ian McGeechan . ’
8 ‘ If Allan Wells can do it , ’ British sprinters said to themselves , ‘ so can I. ’ The benchmark had been set .
9 But I mean if the Townswomen 's Guild can do it for cheaper why ca n't we ?
10 Yeah , yeah , ok , Kim can do it this month .
11 The telephone watch receiver is used in two ways : ( 1 ) holding it to your other ear when using the ‘ phone may ( depending on your hearing loss ) provide better speech reception and prevent interference from background noise ; ( 2 ) you speak on the telephone in the ordinary way , and someone ( a child can do it ) listens through the watch receiver and repeats to you what the speaker says , which you then speechread and reply direct to the caller .
12 But Matilda can do it all .
13 Not us not us , every time I speak to somebody about something , you know marketing can do it , y'know everybody 's d giving away free tickets as a way out of y'know compensate the people , re-dressing the situation .
14 The hardened jumper-fiddler can do it the hard way , of course , but the software approach is by far the easiest — so you can plug it in and forget it , you wo n't need to whip it out and fiddle with it .
15 ‘ The Tientsin can do it in thirty .
16 I wonder whether how long it 's gon na take Martin to fit that gear if Martin can do it
17 If Nissan can do it , why ca n't other car makers ?
18 Yeah , Gill can do it .
19 that 's what I said it pulls them down , erm the Apache can do it now at any height apparently erm and the , there are , there are two or three particular copter 's now
20 Now it 's so easy … even man 's Best Friend can do it !
21 Techniques for going up and down stairs , through doors and in narrow spaces should be properly demonstrated by a mobility expert so that pupils guiding a blind friend can do it in a safe , efficient way .
22 Like bread-making , any mugwump can do it .
23 WEEKENDERS can do it in Amsterdam courtesy of Acid Jazz , who invade the city 's Melkweg arts centre on Aug 29–31 .
24 Well you can forget the astonishment that cats can do it all , it is extraordinary that cats can do that at all .
25 ‘ Only one man in the area can do it , ’ said Joseph .
26 I can do that , probably a number of other people can do it too , but the vast majority would n't have the remotest idea what to listen for or know how it is done .
27 There is a tremendous myth about throwing knives — very few people can do it properly and it is extremely difficult to hit a moving target .
28 Very few people can do it .
29 I did that when I was seven and different people can do it at any time .
30 Yeah , but people can do it even in a little way
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