Example sentences of "[noun] would have give " in BNC.

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1 Presumably , the estate agent would have given him a lift somewhere .
2 Had he done that — and this is advice every sensible lawyer would have given to him — he might have been able to return to public life without the long and painful period of atonement to which he was exposed .
3 In Britain similarly parties would have to give careful attention to the locality factor .
4 Chant would have given a good deal to break the bastard 's nose so he bled on it .
5 These and other strange animals would have given Olduvai a unique ambience , but the basic framework of the present-day savannah environment had already been established .
6 They said the original $750 million proposal would have given BA wide entry into the US market but restricted US airlines in the UK .
7 The three biggest US carriers , American Airlines , United Airlines and Delta Airlines , had hoped that approval of the BA-USAir deal would have been linked to their gaining a bigger foothold in the UK market and argued that the original $750 million proposal would have given BA wide entry into the US market while restricting US airlines from further expansion into the UK .
8 Every Strathclyde pupil is expected to go on a school trip involving an overnight stay at some point during their schooling , though their parents would have to give their consent to this .
9 In the same period , kin links were an important mechanism for recruiting labour , and so living in the parental household would have given young people increased chances of finding work , as well as providing them with accommodation which they might not have been able to afford on their own .
10 ‘ If men never considered the exchange rate in precisely those terms , ’ the man wrote , ‘ then the Caprice and the Ivy would have given up on the supper trade decades ago . ’
11 The check would have given him more control over the hammers and the freedom to play more powerfully than he had done in 1777 , without making the piano jangle .
12 The longer period of separation would have given time for the birds there to evolve as separate species and to have lost all connection with their original parent stock in India .
13 This left him an enormous amount of scope for demonstrating the kind of narrative energy that most English fiction-writers would have given a great deal to acquire .
14 However , in the absence of such a disclaimer the circumstances would have given rise to a duty of care .
15 ‘ True , ’ said Phoebe , ‘ but I 'd probably get to be a Union Official immediately , owing to the lack of competition in the Bayswater Chapel , and then Graham would have to give me endless paid hours off to attend to Union Business . ’
16 Aggression would have given a survival advantage in cave dweller days and earlier and so would have been favored by natural selection .
17 The section on industry was written as though Peter Lilley was going to retain his post : to have spiced it with ideas would have given the game away .
18 And we think that Gen McCreery would have given short shrift to anyone who tried to pull the wool over his eyes .
19 The other view is that where the conduct of the plaintiff would have given rise to the defence at common law if he was suing for negligence , the defence is applicable .
20 Mayli stared at him for just a second , then realised that the waiter would have given the alarm by now .
21 The Consul General would have given a great deal to stop this exchange going any further but he could hardly say anything without worsening the situation for himself .
22 Governments would have to give way more often to the opinions of back-benchers , and not force every measure through as a matter of confidence .
23 Fair proportionality would have given it 19 or 20 seats : it actually won 14 .
24 A moment more , a moment less , a foot more , a foot less , and the meter would have given a different reading .
25 After repeated attempts a more sensible person would have given up .
26 The former Labour Party leader , Prime Minister and Defence Minister Itzhak Rabin , who was generally regarded as a hardliner , surprised delegates with his affirmation that Israel would have to give up " some kilometres of land in exchange for peace " .
27 Hill farming demands very hard work for marginal returns and were it not for government subsidies for hill sheep and cattle , many hill farmers would have to give up .
28 No : the revolution would have come , if it was to come at all , only if the resources available to the forces for change , the unions , had been enough to enable them to seize and hold the means of production , and if they had had the will to employ those resources ; not as a thief in the night but in a scene of anarchy and dreadful confusion of which the French Revolution would have given but a faint anticipation .
29 Totally unexpected because frankly no government , no civil service would have given us as much money for residential places as they did if they 'd known .
30 Like knowing Dempsey would have given
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