Example sentences of "[noun] if she could " in BNC.

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1 The old woman lay in her hammock , sleeping ; it was a time when she had taken a heavy dose , and he was able to lead Ariel out and let her walk before him , now and then turning to make sure he was not about to do something to her , put a halter on her or hit her , and she made for the fence and pointed over it and asked him with her hands and eyes if she could go there , beyond the stockade , into the receding forest , where the bromeliads pushed out their stiff blades , and the monkeys nibbled at mango fruits and threw them down when they were unripe with tiny rows of toothmarks like some sharp-fanged fairy child 's , where the birds of many colours screeched .
2 I know that the hon. Lady would like to get rid of every aircraft in the Royal Air Force if she could .
3 Moira said she would ask her parents if she could have a drink with him .
4 Violette asked Katherine if she could use her room to freshen up a little .
5 Of course , she 'd get at the boy if she could .
6 The centre 's director , David Chi , asked the princess if she could use chopsticks and she demonstrated her ability with a flourish before turning her back on photographers and popping the pancake in her mouth .
7 Generally Ruth slept up here , although now and then she would come politely to ask Rachaela if she could stay the night on Emma 's sofa .
8 Elisabeth already felt herself rebuked in the presence of Fru Møller and the Colonel — over matters beyond her control — and she was not going to add to that burden of disapproval if she could avoid it ; not again .
9 Would ask Shang Chen if she could work an extra hour this end of her shift and leave an hour earlier .
10 I did n't want to send her material hunting if she could be doing something useful at college .
11 She had no wish to overtake him , only to maintain her distance , and keep track of his movements if she could .
12 While Oliver talked to Mrs Bedwin , Rose asked Mr Brownlow if she could speak to him privately .
13 She got wearily out of the car and tramped across the car park to the reception lobby , where she asked the receptionist with peroxided hair if she could phone the AA .
14 That would have some benefit in the forthcoming election if she could push it through .
15 She did not want any more of Scott Fitzgerald if she could help it .
16 She 'd have killed Isabel if she could ! ’
17 In one of her first school plays where she played a Dutch doll , Diana only agreed to take the part if she could remain silent .
18 So you see I could n't fight with them too much cos I thought they 'd take it out on dad , so I said look I do n't want him here , I do n't need all this but I said another thing that got my goat , you asked my mum to help turn my dad , they asked my mum if she could help turn him because they did n't have enough staff or he could n't be turned and when my mum turned him she come out and was sick and cried her eyes out cos he had no skin from the top of his spine to the bottom , and he had a water blister like that Joy yellow on his arm , his penis was nearly the width of my arm pouring with blood , and septic from the catheter , oh and the smell , you 've never smelled nothing like it from the sores and the wounds , cos he was cut from here right the way down to here and they had a , all his legs were festering and gangrene in his legs
19 She would have danced on his grave if she could .
20 She may look like mother , but mother would have turned in her grave if she could have seen that girl today ! ’
21 So , having no more to discuss on that topic , I went on to ask Sylvia if she could think of a place in her own home where she felt uneasy if the door was shut .
22 She was living hand to mouth and she would n't spare the cash if she could help it .
23 who I 've , cos she said to Mr if she could bring a camera for us to camcord
24 He wound up the interview and was rising to say goodbye when Catherine , sounding shy , asked Peter Yeo if she could possibly use their ladies ' room .
25 Once the budgies and the two cats were attended to , she asked the kindly-looking proprietor if she could have a word with Mrs Jarvis .
26 It might well give her a better perspective on things if she could get right away for a short time .
27 I 'll fight you , ’ she cried in instant denial , wondering in despair if she could actually bring herself to hurt him to save herself .
28 Sometimes she sat on the end of his divan if she could n't sleep and tried to wake him up to talk , but he slept with the heaviness of the very thin , and her weight on the divan made it sag and creak in a way that embarrassed her .
29 With regard to the internal candidate , the Chairman further recommends that while she interviewed adequately , it would be beneficial to Miss Harraughty 's future career development if she could be offered training in interview skills .
30 She did not take taxis if she could walk .
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