Example sentences of "[noun] were also to " in BNC.

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1 An electoral code and a charter for political parties were also to be discussed .
2 An understanding monarch reflected that disobedient and violent subjects were also to be found much closer to home .
3 Yugoslavia and possibly Albania were also to be invited to the meeting , although neither was a COMECON member .
4 Physics , still seen as experimental rather than mathematical , geology and mineralogy were also to be included ; and questions requiring confirmation , or more attention , were to be noted .
5 Concession to operate coal mines , oil fields , federal highways and three railway lines were also to be auctioned .
6 One thousand Turkish troops were also to be stationed at Silopi as part of the operation .
7 In later law , however , a testator would have had no need to concern himself with this , since a rescript of Severus and Caracalla introduced the rule that , failing evidence to the contrary , dispositions charged on the heir were also to be understood to be payable by a substitute .
8 Two other commissions were also to be established to deal with border problems such as drug trafficking , smuggling , illegal emigration and guerrilla attacks .
9 Most of the increased expenditure of DM20,100 million under the supplementary budget was to cover social insurance payments and economic restructuring in East Germany ( unification costs were also to be covered by the German Unity Fund — see p. 37467 ) .
10 From May 6 restrictions on the amount of money Greek travellers to EC countries might take with them were relaxed , as part of a Bank of Greece package of liberalization measures to meet EC guidelines ; Greeks were also to be able to participate as individuals on EC member countries ' stock markets .
11 After some time one became aware that members of a quite different clan were also to be found scattered in little clusters throughout the open-plan living area .
12 On 3 July 1992 he announced that the French people were also to be given a referendum on the subject of whether Maastricht would be ratified .
13 In West Germany , pressures from the shopfloor movement were also to some extent incorporated by legislation ( in 1972 ) to extend the size and powers accorded to works councils in order to tackle workers ' grievances .
14 In West Germany , pressures from the shopfloor movement were also to some extent incorporated by legislation ( in 1972 ) to extend the size and powers accorded to works councils in order to tackle workers ' grievances .
15 Eight other soldiers of lower rank were also to be court-martialled on criminal charges related to the massacre .
16 The only difference between the groups was that those in E were generally a little older and a few females were also to be found there .
17 Governors were also to ‘ use their best endeavours ’ to ensure that children with special educational needs were identified and suitable provision made .
18 Several petrochemical plants owned by the armed forces were also to be put up for sale .
19 Contributions to federal funds for the development of Kosovo and for disaster relief in Serbia proper and Vojvodina were also to be withheld .
20 Elsewhere similar processes were also to be seen .
21 Parental wishes were also to be taken into account , though what that meant was unclear .
22 Criticisms of the same kind were also to be made by such as Philippe de Mézières , whose long reflective work on the state of French society , the Songe du vieil pèlerin , was written towards the end of the fourteenth century .
23 Real estate taxes , inheritance and gift taxes and environment taxes were also to be introduced in place of the previous system of " profits taxes " — levied on state-owned industry — and turnover taxes .
24 Sheep were also to be found on many farms in North Yorkshire , Cumbria , Wester Ross and Orkney .
25 New links were also to be established with more than 20,000,000 Soviet emigrés .
26 Similarly , more than one-third of the students enrolled in the District 's One-Year and Terminal courses were also to be found in these branches .
27 Degree courses were also to be provided in some Area Colleges , to ensure a fair geographical distribution of opportunities .
28 Some 10,000 students from these republics were also to be given places in Turkish lycées and universities .
29 Echoes of these symbolic assertions of ducal autonomy were also to be heard at later periods .
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