Example sentences of "[noun] have [adv] not " in BNC.

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1 THE muggers who shot dead postman Keith Thompson in Florida have still not been caught , an inquest was told yesterday .
2 Since 1947 breeding has been proved at a total of 22 sites , and some other sites have probably not been found ; not every site is used , or at least recorded , each year .
3 Engineers have still not located the fault and an alternative control board has been installed .
4 The risks of this condition after elective minor surgery under local anaesthesia have probably not been appreciated .
5 He stands by what he said , and , sadly , many of his criticisms are still valid : the team have still not bought a video camera despite a large injection of cash from the Sports Council and no one could say that the preparation training for the world championships — one weekend in the Kendal Judo Club — has been anything but derisory .
6 What the ‘ new technology ’ and the restructuring of Fleet Street have patently not yet done is introduce the variety that had once been optimistically promised .
7 Conflicts spread over thousands of years have still not resolved the problems arising from that claim , and justification of it from the scriptures , has proved completely ineffective , and surely this is bound to happen , for the human race , whether in part or as a whole will never meekly submit to having a religion or political system simply thrust upon it .
8 Ibanez have obviously not forgotten that once the ‘ made in Japan ’ tag was considered a stigma and have given their Korean counterparts a chance to bask in the glory they deserve .
9 Major rationalisation in the ICI Fibres business during 2991 has increased market share in Europe , but margins have still not been sufficient .
10 If certain key individuals have still not arrived start without them or cancel the meeting .
11 When push has come to shove , his teams have simply not been good enough .
12 Despite extensive inquiries officers have still not traced the owner of a red Sierra-style saloon seen in the driveway to the 82-year-old woman 's Martlesham bungalow at about 2.30 pm on Wednesday February 10 .
13 Those paintings have still not been recovered , and with Baghoomian 's departure , there is a void of knowledge about Basquiat 's last work .
14 Senior professional persons have traditionally not descended into the open political pit because they have not needed to , having more effective ways to achieve their ends .
15 Clear answers as to the types of weapons used in the invasion have also not been given by Washington .
16 The formal circle of the old regime is represented in Repton 's cedar parlour ( Fig. 7a ) , where the servants have evidently not yet got round to setting the chairs back against the wall .
17 Our people have often not been told the truth .
18 Twenty two patients have hitherto not suffered from recurrence of Dieulafoy 's bleeding .
19 The killers of James Bulger have still not been caught .
20 Still , many of the most fundamental ‘ social factors ’ behind the conceptualisation of the causes of soil erosion and the role of government have still not been analysed coherently , and remain at best labelled and hidden in a number of black boxes .
21 A few teachers have still not paid their fees for 1981 .
22 Around 600,000 members of the former building society have still not registered for their entitlement of free shares .
23 ‘ I had been playing well since I returned from America , but the putts have just not dropped .
24 Certain languages have still not been written down ; others exist in written form only as the Bible or sections of it .
25 Differences in lifetime economic and employment status are carried over into retirement through private asset ownership , and these differences have possibly not diminished significantly .
26 That means programs have still not been written for a whole range of complex new tasks that GPs will be asked to do .
27 Detectives have still not been able to interview the 25-year-old former Vogue girl who is described as stable in a psychiatric unit at Liverpool 's Broadgreen Hospital .
28 By 10.10 the men have still not eaten , although by this stage they should have ‘ stood down ’ for an hour and been more than half-way through the second training session .
29 Will he take particular note of the excellent report on reading by the Select Committee on Education , Science and Arts which established that reading standards have certainly not fallen and that teachers of reading should be congratulated on the excellent job that they do ?
30 It admits that funds are needed for training and basic equipment , and finds that the principles of community care have often not been fully understood .
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