Example sentences of "[noun] were come to " in BNC.

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1 The multiplication of life tenures , the scramble for reversions , and the attempt to make posts hereditary are all indications that offices were coming to be regarded as forms of property rather than as jobs to be done .
2 He later took the floor again to explain his remarks as " shock diplomacy " , intended to illustrate the tone which Russian policy could adopt if the political opponents of President Boris Yeltsin were to come to power .
3 ‘ I once had a plaster on my finger , ’ said Lydia , ‘ and I was making duck pancakes because an editor and his wife were coming to dinner , and when I 'd rolled up all the pancakes I found the plaster was missing . ’
4 Then , in the early spring of 1944 , strong rumours began to circulate that big changes were coming to Bourn .
5 My mother said she did n't know what things were coming to when you had to make girls get married because in her youth it was always the boys who did n't want to . ’
6 The Gnome , whose name was Pumlumon said , ‘ But of course we have , ’ and the Gnomes all shook their heads sadly , and did not know what things were coming to when Humans did not remember about Gnomes having any magic .
7 The 1 km successes were to come to an end this afternoon .
8 It 's all going wrong for Forest just when Frank Clark thought his problems were coming to an end .
9 Fat sticky horse chestnut buds ; coal-black ash buds with green flower clusters in pairs on the branches ; reddish-brown oak buds splitting open to reveal tiny glossy yellow-green leaves : trees were coming to life again after the long winter
10 Well because I thought that the hits were coming to an end and I did n't want to become an all-round entertainer , I was n't suited to it , I w I did n't have any feeling for all-round entertaining .
11 Eight years ago we began work in St Luke 's , Cranham where the church was growing and several people were coming to Christ .
12 Last year the student leaders were coming to him privately asking for his ideas .
13 More and more of the American leaders were coming to the view that the United States herself would become dangerously exposed unless Germany and Japan were at least contained and preferably defeated .
14 We had been eight weeks in basic training and even in the most placid of us the qualities of self preservation and selfishness were coming to the surface .
15 More and more Americans were coming to the conclusion that government itself was a problem — a belief that ‘ clearly squares with established Republican doctrine and thus contributes positively to the fortunes of the GOP ’ .
16 wrong , but they did n't like to play cos all those from up the lane were coming to their club sort of thing .
17 In the mid-nineteenth century life expectation was rising , especially for the new middle class , and central and regional authorities were coming to terms with the urban influx , which had changed the face of Britain .
18 As he looked out over the familiar landscape that spring day , the poetic miracles which had begun in the lime-tree bower were coming to an end .
19 Yet against all these odds bigger crowds were coming to Elland Road , and the ground was smartened up to give it the image of a major sports centre .
20 It got to the stage where me and Mum were coming to blows .
21 JUST when they thought the good times were coming to an end , Japanese building firms are being given a batch of orders for huge infrastructure projects .
22 Mrs Parkin described how children were coming to the school weighed down with tins of food .
23 The servants believed there was some blight on Iskandara and her mother — they had gossiped across Alexandra in her nursery when she was supposedly too small to understand — some blight so that only daughters were born to these remarkable women who craved sons , and lone daughters at that , born late , at a time when most women were coming to an end of their childbearing .
24 And eventually , well I had a , I had a questionnaire letters were coming to him which I sent back because I , Paul had never told me where he lived in Gloucester .
25 At the worst , if hard-liners were to come to power in Moscow , Ukraine could be a buffer for the young democracies of Eastern Europe .
26 Possibly in response to the stimuli given by the bishops ' public statements , the bishops found that local councils were coming to their aid and support in opposing the proposed educational revolution .
27 Not surprisingly , some saw these victories as signs that the days of the mounted knight as the dominant military arm were coming to an end .
28 Today friends and colleagues were coming to terms with her murder .
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