Example sentences of "[noun] were at [det] " in BNC.

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1 The immediate success of Autocover when it started in 1982 clearly demonstrated just how competitive the premiums were at that time .
2 Against the backdrop of apparent economic stability and increasing affluence the idea that the major industrial nations were at some kind of break-point held considerable appeal .
3 The problems that Sterling faced in recovering the aircraft were at some times almost insurmountable .
4 All the Duchamp brothers were at this time passionately interested in mathematics ; Jacques Villon was engaged in reading Leonardo 's Trattato della Pittura , while Marcel Duchamp was a close friend of an amateur mathematician named Maurice Princet , so that it is not surprising that they should have been responsible for introducing a more scientific note into Cubist discussions .
6 Even in the nineteenth century , many hundreds of vessels passed through the Straits each year , most of them small coasting ships but also a good many larger vessels trading between Europe and the East Indies ( Java and Sumatra were at that time prosperous Dutch colonies ) .
7 We were pleased when the news was good and depressed when it was bad , but first things came first and I suppose we all felt we were doing our bit and that our personal lives were at that moment of secondary importance .
8 The reductions were at all levels , including pilots and senior managers .
9 The enclosed area for the contests was a rectangle 650 feet by 250 feet , surrounded by a low wooden palisade ; a wooden barrier , 5½ feet high and 300 feet long was erected down the middle for jousting ; and the ring posts for lance targets were at each end .
10 But , before she could sort out just what her feelings were at this blatant example of male collusion , Folly found herself being steered towards the revolving doors to the street .
11 When things were at this interesting stage , to my irritation the senior of the two Waaf officers who were the bane of our lives developed an interest in ‘ my ’ Corporal .
12 Professor Saville has written that the old unions ‘ were able to rely upon the skill of their members as a crucial bargaining weapon ’ but ‘ the new unionists were at all times , even in years of good trade , subject to the pressures of an over-stocked labour market ’ .
13 Perhaps the most striking case of this is J. A. Thugut , Austrian representative at Constantinople in 1769–75 , who was throughout these years an agent in French pay regularly transmitting confidential information to his French colleague , the Comte de Saint-Priest ( though it is true that French and Austria were at that time allies , at least in name ) .
14 For their part Fleischmann and Pons took along one of their palladium cells ( but one that never produced heat — their heat producers were at that moment fully occupied in gathering data ) .
15 The scheme was devised by men for men , since no women civil servants were at that time employed ( Rhodes , 1965 , Chapter 2 ) .
16 By 1989 fund-raising and the general economy were at such a position that a ‘ Go ’ decision was either to be made , or it would never happen .
17 Michael and Anne Heseltine were at either end of a large table of their constituents ; attending to the annual ritual whereby the faithful are rewarded for a year spent addressing envelopes and running bazaars .
18 The militant socialist minorities were at each other 's throats and were completely disillusioned with the Labour Party .
19 Unfortunately over the years there was such a deficit for whatever reason lot 's of things were tried it was then decided that it was two options one was closing lose so much money or actually put it out to franchise fortunately enough that people were at all the money and we did n't get an income from it .
20 No that the Directors ' Wives were at all troubles by that sine now they could get those extra carpets for ceilings and special dog-teeth-mountable tin openers so their little doggy babies could open their own bloody tins of meat .
21 One building society chief said the last time interest rates were at this level , Virginia Wade won at Wimbledon and Jim Callaghan was the Labour Prime Minister .
22 In that year two hundred and thirty-one daily newspapers served the whole of Africa , with a total circulation of three million copies , yet the majority of sales were at either extremity of the continent : in white-ruled South Africa and Rhodesia in the south , and Egypt in the north .
23 The first GCE O and A level examinations were held in 1951 ( S levels were at that time an essential part of the system as well , since on them depended the award of State scholarships to university candidates , before the days of Mandatory awards ) .
24 Its leaders were at each other 's throats .
25 But , as Oliver has already challenged their whereabouts on the evening Sabine was killed , I will say this : on that evening the Josephs were at that man 's house .
26 I made my way to this celebrated establishment , and was very surprised to find an open salon ; we in Britain were at that time still cowering modestly in cubicles .
27 Of course , they 've got out of all recognition today , but three a penny fresh herren were at that time .
28 The defences were at that time concerned with 59 Squadron which was bombing the docks .
29 In the noisy gannetries the birds were at all stages of development .
30 It appeared that Princess Anne was not one of her admirers , and though Princess Anne 's views were at this time usually rather criticised this was something for the press to get its teeth into .
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