Example sentences of "[noun] we had a " in BNC.

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1 Just to be on the safe side we had a long rope attached to the raft and tied round a tree on the bank so that if the Indians lost control the rope would pull it to a stop .
2 On Tuesday we had a first-class Budget , a Budget for recovery .
3 Okay you 're absolutely right er we did play that at the beginning of the programme we had a little trouble with our C D what happened there Stuart it went off the air did n't it ?
4 As a result we had a demoralised and demotivated workforce and needed a completely fresh start — a sign that things were going to work differently .
5 Er what is anything is being done about supplying er inclement weather conditions such as the snow we had a couple of years ago .
6 So just just small movements of the feet I 'm not talking well there 's a classic one I had when I was at college we had a lecturer imagine a big lecture theatre you know two hundred people and there was there was a board and he presented his lecture like this , plenty of foot movement but he presented his lecture like and he just walked up and down .
7 W. S. We had a chap with us called Bob Freeborough , a Super .
8 W. S. We had a bobby , Basil Rose , afraid of nothing .
9 Ask at your your Christian Union about Sunday and bring that up , Sunday lunch we had a right old ding dong at work today !
10 Er , at the beginning of February we had a very similar conversation , and March and April .
11 Within weeks of forming the campaign we had a chance to advertise on a television show with a huge audience ; Mandy even got Wogan to agree to display the campaign 's recently acquired address and telephone number .
12 We were sat in the North Bank ( could n't get tickets for the Leeds end ) , and in the second half we had a good view of the amount of space that the Arsenal forwards were getting , it was unbelievable .
13 Whilst the College was in recess we had a great deal of spare time .
14 T. D. We had a CC , Plymouth Bill we called him — and he had a force in Plymouth that was n't as great in numbers as a division in Liverpool .
15 In June or July we had a visit from ‘ Trust Me ’ Ali .
16 When we netted the other side of the wood we had a slight problem .
17 After touring the Cote Sauvage we had a perfect lunch in a crep erie : galettes — whole-wheat crepes made from sarazin ( black wheat ) — filled with ham or melted cheese and accompanied by foaming mugs of Breton cider ; then crisp lacy brown crepes with sugar and jam or chocolate sauce , which bore no resemblance to the limp pancakes served under that name in America .
18 Is the Prime Minister aware that his claim to have reined in the ambitions of our partners is a vain boast that bears no relation to reality , and that going into Maastricht we had a Community of 12 and coming out we had a Community of 11 and a half ?
19 You can still see it going on today and it still happens does n't it like the Good News Bible if you look at that , I mean this a version of the Bible rewritten , presumably to tell people good news I do n't know , I 've never , never read it but I presume that that 's what the Good News Bible does and we now have countless bibles , where , where , where , where God is , God is female erm my guess is supposing that were the only Bible we had a feminist bible were no other bible and everybody for hundreds of years believed it , my guess is that in the future literary critics and bible critics could study that very carefully and I bet you somewhere there you 'll find internal evidence to show that once God had been male and had his gender changed , I 'm quite sure of it because edit a whole book like the Bible and completely eliminate all the evidence that God was once male would be a very difficult here , here and there you need little bits of evidence and , and again there 's lots of others I 'll mention in the lecture like God 's name .
20 In the Billy Graham team we had a saying ‘ But that was yesterday ’ .
21 Would you know , we did n't have any serious illnesses as children , the only place we had a bit of warmth , used to have a valour lamp in the bathroom in the winter , had a valour lamp in there to keep the chill off .
22 In registration we had a letter given out .
23 If you 're one of the millions of people who is constantly on a diet we had a shock for you earlier this year .
24 Commenting on the upheaval , store manageress and pharmacist Paula Morgan said : ‘ Although the bomb completely devastated our premises we felt that because of the nature of our business we had a loyalty to our customers to continue trading .
25 In November we had a most successful joint colloquium with English Heritage on new Buildings in historic contexts and with our allies , we continued our campaign against Compulsory Competitive Tendering .
26 At our conference in November we had a roll call of five hundred and six G M B members who 'd ha who were either killed in work or had died from work-related disease since May nineteen seventy nine those who attended may recall the emotional er
27 At the boarding school I went to Gwendoline we had a very good punishment for sneaks , all the girls in the sneak dormy gave her one good spank with the back of a hair brush .
28 On our arrival in Scarborough we had a talk from our Flight Commander , Flt Lieut Barnes .
29 They would sit outside wait in that days we had a seat out in the and even if was a seat for sitting outside they would sit on their own way or on a rock .
30 Well we are we like doing the videos because er in the early days we had a lot of problems I suppose with ourselves and with the video people because they had planned ideas for the songs .
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