Example sentences of "[noun] we be on " in BNC.

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1 ( WES AD LIB ) ( ANNE ) After the break we 're on the water and in the air .
2 He said this week : ‘ If we do n't get grants for this work we 're on the dole .
3 Er , but in the long run we 're on the lookout to continue to build both organically and by acquisition where appropriate er , on , on the main sectors .
4 During July we were on the Women 's Heart tour — 28 gigs in 30 nights , packed houses all the way .
5 ‘ The horse is certainly in good heart and because we are drawn close to Lochsong we are on the side of the track with a strong pace guaranteed .
6 And at the moment we 're on the ninth of this month , I received a copy today they s they sent me some material , erm they 've actually been given photographs by people like er Ansell Adams , Fay Goodwin , er David er Bailey .
7 new liners and that in the eight hours we were on shift .
8 In the afternoon we 're on the Palmer charge and believe it or not he hits his tee-shot at the 17th to exactly the same spot again , and turns to me and says , ‘ Before you say anything , Tip , do n't tell me it 's a 6-iron . ’
9 Over Whitsun we were on holiday on the Isle of Wight and I dictated the very last corrections to the Green Paper to one of my overworked social security team from a public phone box in Seaview .
10 At the next opportunity we were on our way to the Station Bomb Dump in the truck which J. had to get him around camp .
11 Ice-T has not yet commented on the situation , but Body Count 's manager , Jorge Hinojosa , said ‘ We 're glad to be doing the dates we are on the tour ’ .
12 This week we 're on expedition with the Camel Trophy in South America .
13 The accommodation differed in , in one respect and that , that was that in the flat we were on one floor , we had one bedroom , we moved into a house with two toilets separate bathroom and three bedrooms , which enabled us to spread our furniture around , enabled us to have visitors to receive members of the family .
14 By morning we were on our way again .
15 Then we get , I know our dentist was very good , we 've always said that if we had a good dentist and a good doctors we 're on our holidays , and we have , we 've been lucky wherever we 've been
16 ‘ This road we 're on looks to be the shorter way now .
17 Er in Europe we 've gone up six percent in circulation and in Japan we 're on target there and under budget .
18 ‘ When I became Prime Minister we were on the eve of war to free Kuwait .
19 In regard to the wealth of individual secular priests we are on firmer ground .
20 ‘ I 'll talk to you for all the time we 're on this train .
21 By the time we 're on the other side of this , I know ( I 'm experienced ) , by the time I 've become really fond of them and their pretty ways , they will start to recede , irreversibly , fading from me , with the lightest of kisses , the briefest squeeze of the hand , the brush of a stockinged calf beneath the table , a smile .
22 At this very moment in time we are on the verge of having video telephones through which users will be able to see as well as talk to the person at the other end .
23 One time we were on some stunt on the airfield and the people were encroaching on the ground and we were told to push them back .
24 We ca n't remember any , but the first time we were on the cover was one of the high points of our short and illustrious career ( pass the sickbag please , stewardess )
25 ‘ It 's time we were on our way .
26 I think it 's time we were on our way . ’
27 After a hurried cup of tea at my house we were on our way to do a climb which had been a longstanding ambition of Norman 's — Via Media on Craig Aderyn , probably the best medium-grade slab pitch in Snowdonia .
28 When we started well we were in trouble in York When we at then we were going on the go slow system you know , we did n't produce much slate we were on the go work to rule .
29 Yes , that 's it some odd nights we was on our way home from work , it 's going up to the even when we 're on earlies and and weekends we can go there ca n't we ?
30 On the television front we are on the brink of seeing the franchise auction pigeons come home to roost .
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