Example sentences of "[noun] which do not " in BNC.

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1 In clinical applications the materials used must combine good mechanical properties with chemical characteristics which do not cause adverse reactions in the body .
2 However , it does suggest that there are recognisable " black " voice characteristics which do not operate at the level of segmental phonology , but have to do with such factors as prosodic features , voice setting , and perhaps other elements which remain to be identified .
3 UI says that to be selected as a reference technology a company will now have to promise to provide snapshots for early access , follow established licensing and conformance guidelines which do not include pricing , and adhere to evolution requirements .
4 This attitude is rather different from other instances of structuralist thinking which do not claim any intrinsic reality for their structures .
5 Animals which do not have a territory mark relatively seldom .
6 ‘ We support the struggles of each nation to live its own life , so long as in pursuit of its aims it uses methods which do not violate the conscience and the dignity of any of its citizens . ’
7 Sometimes the best way to reach decisions which reflect the reasons which apply to the subjects is to adopt an indirect strategy and follow rules and considerations which do not themselves apply to the authority 's subjects .
8 That is , an authority may rely on considerations which do not apply to its subjects when doing so reliably leads to decisions which approximate better than any which would have been reached by any other procedure , to those decisions best supported by reasons which apply to the subjects .
9 In general , one notable but not fully comprehensive style ( or two or more styles which do not correspond ) is in evidence : another , " indefinite " style accompanies the individual — such as one might expect with the work of a mosaicist and a number of helpers .
10 Given that we can adequately define who to include as belonging to the category " the population of the United Kingdom " , and providing that we have convenient lists which do not seriously under-represent significant subgroups , then reasonable estimations of population values can be made from the sample .
11 Third party test facilities are another option for manufacturers which do not want to invest in their own facilities .
12 I know of many other companies and organizations which do not , however , operate in this way .
13 Some Marxist anthropologists have argued that units which do not contain classes are not true states , and of course , in these cases , by definition there can not be classless states .
14 HM Forces addresses which do not include a BFPO number
15 some residual contamination may remain in the soil owing to concentrations which do not induce microbial degradation ;
16 The government , even in a minority , is more united than an opposition made up of one majority party and a number of minor parties which do not always act in concert .
17 So as not to spoil needlessly the houses and gardens entrusted to its care but still find the money required to look after them , the Trust is continually looking for ways of raising funds which do not have an impact on the properties .
18 Schools which do not adopt these processes tend to have greater difficulties than those which do .
19 Another reason for selecting Greer 's books is that they are used in almost all of the ILEA schools which do not use the Authority 's SMILE project and in many secondary schools nationally .
20 Briefly , this is because automatisation depends upon practice at performances which do not vary , whereas the underlying meanings of sentences are very rarely the same .
21 The words which do not appear in other lists fall into several important groups : signs relevant to deaf culture , signs which might be subject to borrowing by languages in contact , signs where compounding is likely to occur , number and colour terms .
22 She pauses in the wrong places and puts emphasis on words which do not merit the stress , giving the effect of a halting delivery .
23 The point seems to be that " knowing or believing " are simple words which do not in the ordinary run of things require an explanation .
24 Words which do not receive primary stress normally have secondary stress , though for the sake of simplicity this is not marked here .
25 What is disturbing , apart from the underlying assumptions that this kind of assessment for streaming are based upon , and the pressure for all departments to conform to a normative style of assessment , is that in the end the decisions over which pupils should be moved up or down is based upon a very limited range of subjects which do not include art or music .
26 It has been shown that a potency of a homoeopathic remedy has a higher viscosity than a straight dilution , without succussion , of the same remedy repeated the same number of times , suggesting that large molecules are present in the potency which do not occur in the straight dilution .
27 According to the application document , only homes which do not want to receive Channel 5 will be legally entitled to have their VCRs retuned free of charge by the licencee , who will have to settle the problem within three weeks of receiving a retuning request .
28 Generally speaking those homes which do not use gas , use other fuels only because gas is unavailable .
29 It is ideal for those aspects of therapy which do not need to entail regression : giving up smoking , losing weight or training the memory , for example .
30 It grows well with other Cryptocorynes which do not grow too tall .
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